

Just got this by sms:

“For sale lion male and female. Age 2 month. The price 4000 kd for both for more info call 67007XXX”


This entry was posted on Sunday, January 10th, 2010 at 3:16 pm

12 Responses to “Lions For Sale”

  1. Mohammed says:

    well i was actually looking for an elephant in the market , in case u have a contact for that plz let me know

    jk jk ;pp

  2. nemo says:

    masken el lion :p

  3. Fiend says:

    Ummm isn’t that illegal? Im almost 100% sure that selling lions in kuwait is…

  4. Danderma says:

    how cute… if i buy them i wonder what can i feed them…?

    Maybe i will conduct an experiment and see if it’s possible to raise them on a vegeterian diet 😀 ma 3ndi iste3dad awakelhom steak kil yom sra7a!

  5. sinful eyes says:

    i got it by BBM and the number was 9733XXXX !!

  6. Alya says:

    umm.. why don’t they give them to the zoo?? And who in the world is breeding lions over here??

  7. lulu says:

    i would be interested if there are any baby tigers bach there..

  8. q809 says:

    Is this for real?

  9. q809 says:

    Why not publish the entire number. These lions needs to be rescued…NOW

  10. Fereej says:

    atwaqa3 esha3a or dagga 🙂

  11. Scotch says:

    And the number is? Cuz Im serious