I learned last week from my brother that there is a difference between the White capped bottles and the blue capped ones. I always thought it’s just a design difference, but turned out the colors indicate a lower sodium version of the bottled water.
Yeah so the white cap means low sodium and the blue cap is regular water. This might be helpful if you’re trying to lower you daily Sodium intake or in a low sodium diet. Take a look at customwater.com to gather all the water bottles you need for camping, cooking and stay hydrated.
la tshran may abraj kela asma3 ena mo3alaj bl ozone…la ts2lnee sheno ya3ne!!
5alik 3ala evian, 9afa, ro’6een tara hathool a7san shay
la tshrab may abraj kela asma3 ena mo3alaj bl ozone…la ts2lnee sheno ya3ne!!
5alik 3ala evian, 9afa, ro’6een tara hathool a7san shay
Abraj is one of my favorite waters out of all of them!
Abraaj water is absolutely very safe, and its the best water in kuwait! People that started the rumor maybe had a goal or wanted to start a new water company who knows.. It has no microbes or bacterias. It’s been approved by NSF,USA which carries out annual surprise audits on behalf of IBWA and Abraaj Water is also awarded the prestigous of its high standard Quality Management System. to check-
* http://expatsinkuwait.com/news/155-health/1664-abraaj-water-is-safe-.html