

Its located in in Toronto, Canada and measuring just 2-meters wide, 14.3-meters long and just 95 sq. meters.  They want to sell it for KD48,307  and it “comes with three rooms, including a normal sized bathtub.


This entry was posted on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 at 3:25 pm

4 Responses to “For Sale: World’s Smallest House”

  1. Faisal says:

    Even with the recession going on in the world this house managed to pull off almost 50,000 kd!!! Its 2 meters wide…i wouldnt pay a dine for it ana wa7id ashtiree ra7tee laish a’9ayij 3ala ro7ee!!!

  2. Ms Botamba says:

    Sallem galba LOOL 😀
    eshwg bs ma yswa 50,000 @@ !!

  3. Yousef says:

    over 500 KD per sq meter!!!?!!

  4. ghazi says:

    esh-hal ehbal!! ana lo ansidi7 bl 3ar’6 ma ykafenee ilbait…shalla m7denee a’9ayij 3ala ro7ee! ‘9aroree at3aref 3ala 9a7eb elbait 3alashan afham 6reegat tafkera ilmobdi3a