

In my case I will need more than one bottle because there are just one too many formulas to remember. 🙂


This entry was posted on Friday, April 30th, 2010 at 1:06 am

7 Responses to “How to Cheat in Your Test Using Coca Cola”

  1. Hi Kuwait says:

    ههههه حلوة
    وين هالطريقه ايام الجامعه

  2. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    LOoL Thats WICKED! (y)

  3. Pretoria says:

    FYI the plural of formula is formulae 🙂

  4. MODISH says:

    ee wallah wainha ayam iljam3a ! 3ajeeeba ;p

  5. alawi says:

    i did that with my Rowdtain water bottle, worked out well

  6. mentabolism says:

    what happen to “food and drink not allowed into the examination hall”

  7. Kuwait 2 says:

    Too late teachers already know about this one