

Just got this sms “زين تهنئك بحلول 4 سنه معنا. نقدم 600 دقيقه مجاناً ابتداء من الشهر القادم” and also one lady called me from Zain telling me the same. Thanks Zain!


This entry was posted on Thursday, May 13th, 2010 at 5:26 pm

6 Responses to “Gift From Zain”

  1. Q80BOY says:

    LOL I’ve been with them for more than 4 years now .. even my sim card is the old mtc one .. when do i get this promotion? 😛

    and congrats!! 😀

  2. Yousef says:

    I’ve been their customer for 10 years… Nothing 😛

  3. Mishary says:

    Yousef, 3endohom thouq 🙂

  4. weeknds says:

    I’ve been a customer for 12 yrs!! since 1998 :p
    ma 7a9alt shy yet
    laa o wala marra engi6a3 ‘7a6i :ppp
    waiting my turn 😉

  5. Mishari says:

    واضح تأثير المالك الجديد على خدمات زين لووووول
    الهنود ” 4 سنة ” لووول يا ويلنا من الياي

  6. Linda says:

    How about those who have had the same line for the past, hmm, 9 years? And its even the old sim card, the “MTC” (not MTC Vodafone) days! And never missed a payment…good to know Zain is selectively honoring loyal customers.