

This is totally disgusting! The way he dug in, picked it and then put it in his mouth. But Hilarious!


This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 at 12:45 am

8 Responses to “German Coach Eats Boogers”

  1. Ambrosial says:

    WAI3 YOUSEF!!!! LOL U know for a moment as I was reading the title I was excited when I read German Coach Eats.. (ME EXCITED) Boogers (EWWWW!) lol ;p plz 3awth my traumatizing experience, with a good Food Review ;p

    BTW do u guys check ur admins. email?! plz do 🙂

  2. manayer says:


    way ‘3shait ‘3ashait…6i7t 6i7t bil gaa3 mn il’6e7k!
    Allah ylawe3 chabda HAHA wayid mitwatir o minf3il ;p

  3. manayer says:

    tara kl il alman chithe wa95een! 7atta their attitude…etha s2alt a7sd “excuse me do u speak english” yrid/itrid 3alaik eb kil thgalat 6ena “no i dont understand”…sh-hal yoor! ya 7mar damik/ch ma t3arfeen english shdarakum ana shgayla! ilzain feehum ygolik “a lidol bit”

  4. Abdulmohsen says:


    laa o ba3ad ykawwer o y3alich!

  5. Kulsum says:


  6. I’m too scared to even watch! Grossssss!

  7. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Junglee Stylee, SOME contrast. SOME contrast said: Just in:: German Coach Eats Boogers http://bit.ly/bH1ig8 […]