

Since most of time my work need from me to be in the field and facing these high temperature now a days, Just noticed one of my friends was wearing this cooling headband and he’s wearing it around his neck, So I’ve asked him whats the purpose of wearing it? The answer was really interesting, its simply remains hydrated for more than 8 – 10 hrs after you soak it in water for just 10 – 15 mins.

Its made of cotton and got inside it the polymers (which generates the cooling after the cold water)

You need to put it in a bowl.

with cold water for 10 – 15 mins.

then it will be inflated and you can wear it.

to buy it you can order it from HERE


This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 at 9:58 pm

5 Responses to “The Cooling Headband”

  1. Chrome says:

    That’s a great idea, but doesn’t it look weird lol? Kind of like a dog collar ;p

  2. Frankom says:

    3elm 3elm
    thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Barrak says:

    It has nothing to do with the water being cold. This is just evaporative cooling, the same thing that happens to you when you sweat. The process of water evaporating from a liquid state to a gas needs heat energy, and it takes that energy from whatever surrounds it (your body) and that cools you.

    This works on everything, even a cheap fabric or a sponge. That’s also why those water mist/sprays work in dry weather, but not when it’s humid.

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Faisal Khatib, SOME contrast. SOME contrast said: Just in:: The Cooling Headband http://bit.ly/cfoBHo […]

  5. Marzouq says:

    Our heat can’t be helped with these bands! lol! And the humidity is getting annoying!