Lana el bnaya 3aib nift5r feeha lana .. 3aib bnaya ay shay? dam fee nas nafsk ib hal deera, deeratna bit’thl 3ala ta5alufha. thank you for contributing.
Saud, embarak 3alaik eshahar. Mishary gal ena shay yedeed 3alaina o we have to accept it and get used to it. Ballah wain el’3ala6 ely enta shayfa ely khalak testanfir?
Maybe Saud fatt mn elshahr, saw it as sarcasm! He misunderstood. Its something new to us, its true we have to get used to it. Especially when u c them in malls, u get surprised, therefore we have to get used to it, and adapt to that fact. The invitation card should say الملازمه wla la?
Wanasah we have G.I Janes blderah! 3oqbal elgar3a ;p
Saud, Ana eshgelt ?! khal atarjemha lek yomken matefham English.. (We have to accept it) ==> (lazem entaqabal hal shay) then I wrote ( get used to it also ) ==> ( wenta3awad 3alaih ba3ad) ebthemetek wain le6naza eb hal kalam, bas magool ela nafs Yousef embarak 3alaik el shahar o welcome to our blog 🙂
enteshar 3an 6areeq el bb o ma ashoof ena el be6aqa feeha shay bel3ax men 7agha
Lana el bnaya 3aib nift5r feeha lana .. 3aib bnaya ay shay? dam fee nas nafsk ib hal deera, deeratna bit’thl 3ala ta5alufha. thank you for contributing.
Saud, embarak 3alaik eshahar. Mishary gal ena shay yedeed 3alaina o we have to accept it and get used to it. Ballah wain el’3ala6 ely enta shayfa ely khalak testanfir?
Maybe Saud fatt mn elshahr, saw it as sarcasm! He misunderstood. Its something new to us, its true we have to get used to it. Especially when u c them in malls, u get surprised, therefore we have to get used to it, and adapt to that fact. The invitation card should say الملازمه wla la?
Wanasah we have G.I Janes blderah! 3oqbal elgar3a ;p
Saud, Ana eshgelt ?! khal atarjemha lek yomken matefham English.. (We have to accept it) ==> (lazem entaqabal hal shay) then I wrote ( get used to it also ) ==> ( wenta3awad 3alaih ba3ad) ebthemetek wain le6naza eb hal kalam, bas magool ela nafs Yousef embarak 3alaik el shahar o welcome to our blog 🙂
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