Guys i thought the salaries were supposed to only increase but i got shocked once I read this.

Thanks INM


Post By Mishary

look to the center of the image for a minute then look at the keyboard .. What are you seeing? πŸ™‚

Thanks Ahmad


Today my wife found out that Nespresso is offering a new flavour which is Caramel.. So we went ahead and ordered some but unfortunately we haven’t tried them yet. I’ll let you guys know all about it once I get a taste πŸ™‚


A week ago I received my Vodafone branded and unlocked Blackberry Storm which i bought from Ebay. I’m not a fan of touch screens phones, but since i found this with an unbelievable price of KD160 including delivery expenses plus shop&ship’s, I became a fan. Just to give you guys an idea on why i thought this was a good deal, a quick comparison is, they’re selling it for KD297, almost double the price.

UPDATE: Have anyone tried to send mms with a Blackberry?

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Just found out that google knows most of our company abbreviations which is really helpfull for us, you can check it out by your self by clicking HERE

Thanks Ali


I’m in love with these Japanese creations!


But this time it wont be inside the supermarket itself, but in one of Mishref’s Blocks, which is not decided yet πŸ™‚



I got this via email and I thought You guys wanna see some of the places that got affected by the fire at the Avenues mall.
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Me & my wife were searching for a good place that sells Pretzels, but unfortunately we didn’t find except the one which is in the Avenues, So my mother in law decided to make her own home made Pretzels.

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Ali Sultan the kuwaiti actor just passed away, Alah Yor7omah.

Thanks 9K2HN


Today my father and mother in lawΒ  went to the Avenues and found out that its closed due to fire there.

Thanks Ahmad


Its re-opened again. “its phase 1 starting zara moving towards loranzino … esprit upstairs looks really bad. but they were working hard cleaning the place. at around 4 zara was open and the workers were cleaning the roofs of avenues . am sure by next weekend no one will notice the incident.”

Thanks Om FasoOoL



There is a rumor going around that today’s football match will be Postponed due to bad weather, Anyone can confirm it?

Thanks Ansam


I know every year by February’s end the truffles become available in Kuwait but this year we couldn’t resist so we decided to get the Algerian one which costs nowadays between 15-20 KD a Kilo. So today my dad decided to bring us a couple of kilos to be cooked for tomorrow’s lunch πŸ™‚

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Click the Fun icon to get to the second screen shot.

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Yes, its freezing out there ! πŸ˜›

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Here is a picture for theΒ Explosion which was in Ahmadi’ 7esaineya, For more details and pictures you can check it out.


Thanks to Ali


Yes, Yousef wont be posting today because he will sign for his new job and become a new employee .. MABROOK Yousef wish you all the best πŸ™‚


Just got these pictures from Ali when he was passing by AUK car boot sale, it seems from the picture that their wasn’t many participators this year hope it will increase next year since it is an annual event.

Thanks Ali


To test your intelligence:

  • If can find 0 – 5 faces –  Lazy
  • If can find 6 – 7 faces – Normal
  • If can find 8 – 9 faces – Very Normal
  • If can find 10 – 11 – Smart
  • If can find 12 – 13 faces – Genius

I tried and figured out 11 faces πŸ™‚


One of my favorite dishes in winter (wala mo bas winter. all the time) is ma3adas. Today i asked my mom to prepare us ma3adas with margoog which was fantastic esara7a! when i was eating it i was wondering if the margoog is still a live in our generation? is it still one of the kuwaities top dishes? My wife’s opinion was: Yes it is still known.

UPDATE: Just got an sms from mom telling me that she made the margog ! o fog’haa chum zafaaaa !! πŸ™‚

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