How dangerous of a driver are you?

You scored a 58% (C)

At least I passed! 🙂 .. Checkout your score and let us know 🙂


Thanks Ahmad


At the end of the day i will tell you what it is if no one figures it out 🙂


I really enjoyed reading your comments guys .. some of you made me really laugh today thanks a lot! but 

The ones who got it right are:

Eman, Mimi, Ja, A.M.S., Ali, Bo Fahad, noura and Om FasoOoL. IT IS a grain of sand ;)


I heard the one in Kuwait international fairs ground (arth alma3areth) went very nicely and had lots of good feedback from thee people for the way it was handled and organized. But looking at the pictures above (I don’t know which branch) I can’t help but think.. Is it really worth it?? going through all that!? I mean look at the employees! 

Thanks INM



Just noticed that once i entered Google’s website i got redirected to .



Yesterday after finding some help in the comments on my previous post I decided to go for it again. Any improvement ?

Read the rest of this entry »


Al-Ghanim is offering the HP Mini-Note with reduced price of just KD99 during the Eid holiday. I think its a good deal since it was KD150 at Al-Ghanim

Thanks Abdullah


This is my my first attempt of drop shooting .. I shot these pics with my macro lens but i didnt expect it to be at this level of difficulty. I got these two pictures out of almost 80+ pics! any suggestion ?




We were invited by Ahmad’s in law’s to their farm in Abdali so we decided to head to Abdali in the early morning to enjoy the full day there. So at 9:00 i was ready and waiting at my in law’s and then we all headed to Abdali. We arrived around 10:30 and we, me and ahmad, went to take some pictures in the farm (which was beyond AMAZING mashalah). And here are the pictures we’ve taken.

Read the rest of this entry »




Me & Yousef wish you a happy Eid 🙂

So what’s your lunch for tomorrow ? Ours is Machboos from the above 😛




Usually whenever we want some iranian food delivered to our house we order from Marafi’s, But since 9k2hn was telling us about this Babak restaurant and how well is their presentation, we figured we’d order from them this time and give them a try.

I was expecting the packaging to be slighly better than Kabab Alhejja’s.. you know the white foam boxes wrapped in strings. But this one went well above my expectations. It was very nicely packaged. I leave you with the pictures now.

Read the rest of this entry »


There is a 20% discount if you paid using KFH cards. Don’t forget that when you’re paying next time.

Thanks Ahmad


Ali just spotted an elevator parking near Villa Fairoz.

It was actually under testing and not officially launched. I remembered i saw this one when i was in Tokyo in 2004 and it took us 4 years to get this technology to Kuwait. I think a 4 years lag is not that much looking at the gap in technology between Kuwait and Japan 🙂

Thanks Ali


Ali also capture it in motion .. Thanks again 🙂

Incase the video isn’t working, you can check it out HERE.


The new kama elresha version 🙂

Thanks 9K2HN


For those of you whom are interested in Laila Ghofran’s murdered daughter’s case, tune in on Dream TV at 10 pm tonight. Laila Ghofran will be interviewed.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




I just did my sunny side up but I was thinking there is got to be a way to get some extra flavor out of it?

I did mine with olive oil .. so guys what do you recommend ? is a site that provide you with the nearest Halal restaurants to where you wanna be. Just put in your address or desired location and your done.


Thanks INM




Aloo Sahmek is an interesting idea that’ll come in handy if you were in a hurry and wanted to know about a certain stock. You’d just have to call them and you’ll get a speech recognition machine that’ll tell you all the info you need about your stock e.g. ask price, bid price and last traded deal price.

Their # 22252211



I think this is the most expensive babyfoot game, its located in Dubai and mostly is made of gold and silver.

and here comes the funny part it cost ONLY KD42,000 🙂

I think no need to mention the link for buying the thing but if you’re still interested in buying it just email me and i will tell you where to find it 🙂

Thanks INM




If you remember my previous post about the lenses that i’ve ordered, Today I received them with a HUGE shop&ship bill 🙂

Here is the bundle.

And these are my lovley lenses 🙂



Its an old ad. but I’m wondering Does anyone know who’s this actor ? 🙂

P.S. He’s not Kuwait 🙂

P.S. II 9K2HN and the rest of the family excluding Yousef can’t comment on this post 🙂

UPDATE: As expected most of you know who’s that person which was 3abdallah il sad7an 🙂