Few days ago we were in our Co-op, and since my wife is a labna fan she always searches for a new type/kind of labna, so this time she found this thing, which we thought was unique in design and it attracted us coz as I was just saying to my wife that this is a smart design that put and end to the need of spoons. fakka!

So today i was preparing my sandwich before i get to my work, with the first bite of it i felt like “damn its so rich/heavy! let me try another bite.” I went ahead bs 7asait la’a fee shay ghala6!? so i took the thing and read it… its a mayonaise with a labna flavor! 7araaam 3alaikom! Labna 3ad !? It shocked me.




This year’s ended up with some cool gadgets. here are the main things:

Next OSX name will be Snow Leopard (will be released in a year or so).

iPhone 3G, they added GPS and 3G capability. KD53 for 8GB and KD80 for 16GB version.

It will be available (Officially) in Qatar, Egypt and Jordan. Kuwait will be getting it before them but in an UNOFFICIAL way πŸ™‚



Today at 8:00PM Apple will announce some thing new (i think it gonna be the new version of the iPhone) so stay tuned and i will update you with the new gadgets.

For non-Kuwaities reader here are the time at different zones πŸ™‚

07:00AM – Hawaii
10:00AM – Pacific
11:00AM – Mountain
12:00PM – Central
01:00PM – Eastern
05:00PM – GMT
06:00PM – London
07:00PM – Paris
02:00AM – Tokyo (June 10th)


Finally! I did it, now I can post anything on the go. This is one of the first things that I want to do when we were in wordpress.com but due to the restrictions we couldn’t. But now after moving to Godaddy (thanks 9K2HN for the help!) it’s possible! πŸ™‚ but there is one thing I want get rid of, my signature which will show that I’m sending using BB service! Its annoying.. Does anyone know how to stop it from appearing?!



Do you thing guys the oil prices is too high now a days?! i think NO, Do you know why ? if your answer is no then here is the REAL answer πŸ˜›

P.S. Our comparisons are being based on Barrel.

Oil is 120 $/Barrel.

Coca Cola is 125 $/Barrel.

Milk is 163 $/Barrel.

Steamed water 300 $/Barrel.

Tropicana orange juice 307 $/Barrel.

Ben & Jerry ice cream 1609 $/Barrel.

Bertolli olive oil 2370 $/Barrel.

Tabasco red pepper sauce 6155 $/Barrel.

Coco Chanel perfume 1666560 $/Barrel.

So? What do you think now? are oil prices still high?! πŸ˜›



I’ve changed the unit from Gallon to Barrel thanks to Purgatory!


Yes they lowered their fees to 100 fils when your using any of their ATM machines, They used to be 200 fils or 150 fils depends on the bank that your dealing with but now it will be the same at any bank ATM which is good thing.





Today we decided to have our lunch at Al-mayas restaurant. I went there with my wife, 9K2HN and Labeba. This time we decided to take my family there.

So we went ahead and ordered our appetizers (mazaat). We ordered 3arayes (basically its a round bread, cut in quarters with meat mixed in with some spices) πŸ™‚

Read the rest of this entry »


Found this Fruit/vegetable in our co-op .. any one knows what is it? sweet? salty?

Thanks INM




I’m in love with every thing that comes in a 2 in 1. This time its a ladder + iron table. Isn’t this sweet?! I’m thinking of getting one.

if you want one it gonna cost you around KD27 (but i’m afraid the USWS shipping price will ruin the fun?)



Today i got a phone call from 9K2HN telling me that Amex now accepts online payments! Yes finally! i did login to my account and found this:

As you can see above they are accepting K-Net for Kuwait as an option, i didnt try it yet but according to 9K2HN the exchange rate was something around 0.269 which is fair in my opinion.

Anyway Thanks a lot 9K2HN for this ebsharaaa πŸ˜›


i was reading Al-qabas news paper and found out that M.O.C is trying to ban Skype in Kuwait .. So i went to my phone and did some calls to the US but it’s still working! Has anyone any problem with his Skype account?!



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Thanks 9K2HN


Couple days ago me and Yousef decided to transfer our blog to wordpress.org so that we get more control and options on our blog but Yousef faced some issues such as the old posts?! How could we transfer them .. (( i mean the text and pictures)) coz now i think the only way we could is to transfer the text and uploading the pics manually for the old posts which will takes ages! So any one tried it? i mean to transfer from .COM to .ORG? whats the steps? and for the hosting we’re considering DreamHost.

We appreciate your help guys πŸ˜›


A few days ago i was in my father’s in law house, and found out that Bashar got a full collection of Grendizer with traditional Arabic language. In my opinion it was one of the greatest cartoons ever, that have been translated to Arabic.

It’s a set of 4 DVD packages and each one has 3 – 4 DVD and according to Bashar they are of high quality.

You can order them from HERE, You can order any language you wish from this series.

BTW does anyone have any idea when it was first produced? i mean originally in Japan?

Thanks Bashar.


Anime: UFO Robot Grandizer
Episodes: 74 episodes
Year: 5/10/1975 till 27/2/1977

Thanks to DVLz


Yesterday me & my wife were in VillaΒ  ModaΒ  and i spottedΒ  TOM FORD boutique was under construction, By the way this brand and some more i’ve been introduced to after i got married πŸ˜› Y3ani 3ady gabel amshy madry shino ohmaaa agool esh’hal markaat el mo ma3rofaa πŸ˜›


Posted By Mishary.

Today me and my wife were going to Al Tilal complex for the new Armani Casa shop and found out that also Alfares will open soon there.




Yes we have them! We have some mango trees in our home and yesterday INM spotted some mangos in them. I didn’t know that some day they might give us some mangos.. especially with our kid of nearly 50’s degrees’ weather!

Anyway thanks INM.


i found this site ewasfat which i think is pretty good and helpful for those of you who love to cook. Its an online recipes source, they claim that they have more than 1000 recipes. Most of the recipes are from the Arabian cuisine.


Thanks 9K2HN




the Snap Capp is something very special, and yet is so simple. Simply put, the Snap Capp is β€œa plastic re-closable top designed to snap onto virtually all 12 and 16 ounce aluminum beverage cans”.
The Snap Capp also comes in handy on picnics or other outdoor outings. You may have noticed that when an open can is left out in the open, bees and other bugs sense the sugar and love to fly in.

Here how it works .. i think its pretty smart idea!


You should be able to pick up 3-packs for around KD2.600 HERE but its still not available πŸ˜›


Thanks INM


According to one of our readers they are available HERE.

Thanks DVLz


Since i was young in high school i grew up watching my grand father collecting mesbahs (rosaries), after he passed away my father took over this hobby, and continued collecting and having his own collection. The bag contains some rare and very precious ones, collected from more than one country. He also, sometimes, buy his own rock and custom made his mesbah.

And now back to my beginning, since i was, at the time, in high school i couldn’t afford them coz the price range starts from KD 40 to KD 950 per mesbah so i decided to go with the plastice ones πŸ˜› which only cost 500 fils πŸ˜›

Read the rest of this entry »