If you still haven’t edited or renumbered your phonebook, like me, then go to Zain’s website and under the “quick links” box you should find “Zain renumbering solutions,” click on it and look up your mobile’s version. There is comprehensive list of almost every mobile out there. Find your mobile from the list, download it’s software, upload the software to your mobile, hit renumber.. and you’re done.


A CD of the solutions will be available tomorrow, free of charge, at Zain branches.

Mishary, there is a blackberry link there as well πŸ˜‰





At our last Ghabga my friend brought some sushi that are homemade. I didn’t know they were homemade till he told me so, and I can’t say I was surprised when he said they have a sushi business, coz they all looked very professionally done. Now I’m not a Sushi expert, I never went to a japanese restaurant (well maybe once or twice), but I liked them all. I especially liked the orange ones with the spicy crab sauce and sprinkles of brown garnish stuff.

To look through the menu take a look at their website by clicking HERE.

Phone # 6510140.
Read the rest of this entry »





Got this via e-mail:

On August 19th 2007, an oil tanker off the coast of Australia split in two, dumping 20,000 tons of crude oil. Senator Collins, a member of the Australian Parliament, appeared on a TV news program to reassure the Australian public. This actual interview is so funny, you’d swear it was a ‘Monty Python’ skit.

It just proves… Once a politician, always a politician!

Thanks Taymoor.

Not a real interview.





Warning. Post may contain mouth watering pictures.
Read the rest of this entry »


Taken from reuters:

“McAfee’s Latest Research Names Hollywood’s Most Celebrated Dad Brad Pitt as Riskiest Celebrity to Search for on the Web

Checking in on your famous friends is not only a guilty pleasure, but seriously dangerous for your PC. Fans searching for “Brad Pitt,” “Brad Pitt downloads,” and Brad Pitt wallpaper, screen savers and pictures have an 18% chance of having their PCs infected with online threats, such as spyware, spam, phishing, adware, viruses and other malware.

The list of most dangerous celebrities on cyberspace:

  1. Brad Pitt
  2. Beyonce
  3. Justin Timberlake
  4. Heidi Montag
  5. Mariah Carey
  6. Rest of the list..


As their banner suggests, You can now renumber your contacts for free with their backup service.

For more info click HERE.

Thanks Hamad.


My father just gave me a book ’40 Years In Kuwait’ by Violet Dickson / Om S3ood. I’ve been going through it’s pages for the last hour and a half and I would like to share this paragraph on p147 with you guys:

We went to our yearly camping spot in the desert (Arifjan), but this year camp was different for me coz I had an objective in mind; I wanted to collect every flower, dry it, and then put in the special preserving package Mr. Horwood gave me and then send them to the Kew Museum in London.

I saw a purple plant, it wasn’t too rare, “Khzama,” was what 3amsha used to call it. Khzama means nose earrings, It is called that coz it’s seed look like a Khzama. I sent the first batch of flowers after the spring of 1933 to the museum and it turned out that this specific flower wasn’t known before and had no records, and I was very happy to learn afterwards that Mr. Horwood (Museum manager) named it after his last name and mine’s, he named it “Horwoodia Dicksoniae.”

This is the flower Mrs. Dickson (Om S3ood) saw and sent to london 75 years ago.


This is the new e-Go device from ZAIN. It is said that it’ll have a flash memory built into it and some other stuff. I love how small it is! I’ll keep you updated once I learn more.

Thanks Hamad.


Taken from Apple.com:

Today Apple announced the Apple Ultracompact USB Power Adapter Exchange program.
Apple has determined that under certain conditions the new ultracompact Apple USB power adapter’s metal prongs can break off and remain in a power outlet, creating a risk of electric shock. We have received reports of detached blades involving a very small percentage of the adapters sold, but no injuries have been reported.

The ultracompact USB power adapters were supplied with every iPhone 3G sold in the following countries:
β–ͺ US
β–ͺ Japan
β–ͺ Canada
β–ͺ Mexico
β–ͺ Several Latin American countries

Users with ultracompact power adapters should immediately stop using them until they exchange them for a new, redesigned ultracompact adapter.

In the meantime, they should charge their iPhone 3G by connecting it to their computer with the USB cable that came with their iPhone or by using a standard-sized Apple USB Power Adapter (with fold up prongs) or with a third party adapter designed to work with the iPhone, such as a car charger.

Thanks Khalid.




What an interesting new way to a buy a shirt, huh? The shop is in AlFanar Mall and soon in Burj AlSahab.

Thanks Om Yasafi.


My favorite cheesecakes are the Sheraton’s, Market cafe’s (Dubai) and KFC’s (I’m ashamed but its true). I was very interested in tasting choowy Goowy’s new cheesecake when I first read about it at Mark’s, and what a nice surprise it was when loco told me yesterday that he’s bringing one to the diwaniya’s ghabga.

I love cheesecakes and I like them plain, I don’t like cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, whatever berry flavors on top. They overpower the cake and I end up tasting nothing but the berriness of the sauce! So when it comes to those sort of recipes, where the flavors are subtle, they can be easily butchered, and more often than not they are butchered beyond recognition.

The newyorker did not exceed my expectations, it met them, which is absolutely great for a first time. Thick texture, hard enough crust, and straight up mmmm-worthy overall taste. (I would’ve preferred an extra drop or two of lemon while in the making).

I did not appreciate the nutty flavored crust and did not know what was between the crust and the cake, But I’ve been told that we can easily choose our own crusts so this, thankfully, won’t be a problem in the future.

The packaging and portion. The package was simple, they’re going to be done with their new package designs soon (read it on Choowies blog) and it will look nicer. The cake was cut to 8 pieces. It could’ve easily been cut to 10, but thats ok, 8 bigger pieces are totally fine by me.

It is now only second place on my favorite cheesecake’s list; the Sheraton’s is still a bit better.

The cheesecake was a winner. They did a good job with the recipe.

To order:
Phone #2626559 – 2620011


5 months ago I posted how it was easy to get an iTunes card off ebay, and till a couple of days ago it was the only way I could get an iTunes card. Well, the other day khalid made a comment on that post saying that he sell those cards.

I emailed him and learned that:

1-He sells iTunes gift cards and provide the cards via email.
2-Every $1 = 350 fils, which means a $10 iTunes card would cost 3.5kd and so on..
3-He’s got 2 bank accounts as a method of payment, meaning you deposit the card’s worth to his account on either Gulf Bank or NBK.

Here is his E-MAIL if you’re interested in buying some iTunes cards.


I just saw VIVA’s logo on today’s newspaper. I like the name.

Thanks loco.


It is said that this porsche was the first in Kuwait and the whole gulf region as well. This picture dates back to 1956, it shows the owner, Mr. Murad Behbahani (RIP) sitting behind the wheel, and his brothers Mohammed and Redha Behbahani.

Thanks loco


Our last poll was ‘What is your favorite Ramadan dish?’ Over 200 people decided the following:

  1. Harees / Yereesh 32%
  2. Tashreba 29%
  3. Muchboos 16%
  4. Em6abag 3%
  5. I don’t careΒ 20%

The tashreeba, my favorite, won the second position. It so deserved to be a #1 πŸ˜›

Our new poll got to do with Ramadan too. The Gergai3an is an old Kuwaiti tradition, where kids go door to door, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Ramadan, singing a traditional tune and in return get a handful of goodies (chocolates, nuts..etc.) We all went gerge3ing when we were kids and I remember that we couldn’t wait to measure our bagfuls of goodies and see who got the most.

So, What do you think of Gergai3an? You can submit your answers using the poll on the right sidebar.





We had a Ghabga* at the Diwaniya yesterday. We took pictures of the whole thing. My brother got carried away with the camera and now i have over 350 pictures of every person of the 60+ who were there. When it was time to arrange the buffet I thought I should take as many pictures as possible, you know, good blogging material… But this time I really don’t know what was wrong with me, every picture turned out blurry and couldn’t find any nice drool-worthy ones. Yeah, so anyway, the picture above is of my dish πŸ˜›
Read the rest of this entry »




My friend called them and donated some of his old stuff. He was saying how it would be nice to post about this in Ramadan. So, All of you nice people out there with plenty of old stuff, give them a call.

They Accept:

  • Clothes.
  • Furniture.
  • Home Appliances.
  • Kitchenware.

Their phone number is 4009050. They’ll come by and pick the donations themselves.

Thanks INM


Apple just wrapped their ‘Let’s Rock’ event and these are the announced products:

-New iPod Nanos.
-iTunes 8.
-New thinner iPod Touch 2.0
-New colors for Shuffle.
-iPod Classics (I don’t get this update. They no longer have the 160GB?)

Thanks loco for reminding me.


They called him and informed him that he won! He won a discount card and should come to claim his prize. He went and sat through an hour of questioning, which was the only thing he had to do in order to get that discount card. After answering the questions for an hour, they told him that his card should be ready in 3 days.

He’s been calling them for 3 weeks now, they’re either ignoring his calls, promise to call back and never do or put him on hold and never return. They scammed him. And you know whats funny? They just called him on his other mobile number, and without knowing it was him, told him that he just won a prize and should come by!