
For those looking for a good source of medications and nutritional stuff for their birds and animals, this pharmacy is for for your animals and birds.

From their site:

ALWAZZAN Vet Pharmacy, for veterinary medication and nutrition Pharmacy specialized for Birds and Animals hobby – Established in Kuwait since year 1992 (with a partial asistance of Pharr Road Animal Hospital) As Family Business owned by Alwazzan, with the aim of supports and develop the Pigeon hobby and Sport, hence then we have expanded to other products to include Birds, Falconry, Poultry, Pets, And Farm Animals.

With a wide range of Feed additives to specialized feeds, veterinary pharmaceuticals and some Accessories necessary for the hobbyist.”


Thanks INM



I’ve been attending diving classes for the past 3 days at Bubbles diving center. I don’t know how my friend bo9ale7 convinced me to join, I’m not the sportish type; I never really think of ‘activity’ when considering an outing… coz well, let’s just say I’m more of a restaurants person 😛 But I wouldn’t have thought that I’d enjoy diving this much!

The diving lessons started on Monday and will be ending on Saturday. Over the last 2 days we were studying the basics of diving with Captain Abdulrahman AlSarheed over at Bubbles diving center. The classes were very informative, and have done a nice job preparing us for the real thing.

Today, the 3rd day into the course, we got to practice what we were taught. We went to a huge swimming pool in Al Araby club in AlMansouriya. The experience was magical. Going in with all those diving gears and breathing under water was one of the most special things I’ve done, ever.

I’m too tired to keep writing after the dip in the pool, but rest assured a full review of the experience and Bubbles diving center will be published once I get my Beginners License.





The dust is unbelievable outside. How could it turn upside down in such a short time!


Just got this video by email from my wife, This is supposed to be showen next Ramadan inshallah which i think is another one of those hidden camera/Sadaouh type of shows. Checkout how Mohamad Sayrafi is fabricating every thing and how the whole thins isn’t real at all!




Ali just sent me this picture telling me its raining now in north Kuwait with a heavy rain. Guys its June I’ve just checked the temperature & it’s 43C!

Update By Yousef:

It rained in Kuwait City too!

Fawaz was just in Murgab and took this picture!



Alshaya got a franchising agreement to get the American eagle to the Middle east:

“The company, headquartered in Kuwait, plans to open a series of AE stores throughout the Middle East in the next several years, CEO Jim O’Donnell told investors in a conference call. American Eagle won’t have to invest any capital and will have minimal involvement in operations, he said, but the deal could generate “significant” returns. ” – SOURCE

“Alshaya will open a series of American Eagle Outfitters stores throughout the Middle East over the next several years. The first store is slated to open in early 2010.” – SOURCE



Since the last month i was in a blue amber mode, so i was busy contacting some sellers for making blue amber misbah, I even bought 2 rocks of blue amber to get it done here in Kuwait, at that time my wife was watching me quitly until i decided to get into the second step which was buying a new misbah from one of my online friends, which was kind of very pricey. At that point specifically before transfering the amount of money to my friend, my wife saddenly says WAIT! dont buy it… i said to her why? she said open the drawer and look there.

Read the rest of this entry »





This is my second time with the NBK’s ATM, what shall i do with it:

Option 1: Return it back to NBK.
Option 2: Keep it with me ( I did before).
Option 3: Fix it (but i don’t think its gonna work)

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


We went to Garoh island last weekend, it was my first time to go to Garoh, and let me tell you how would you feel if you ever went there:

1-On the way there and just before you get to the island, the sea will smell like you’re at a gas station. The sea reeks of gazoline. Big circles of transparent oils are floating everywhere. And just so you know, thats why it was called Garoh. Garoh is a word derived from Gar, which somehow meant Oil/Petrol long time ago.
Read the rest of this entry »



Wataniya has finally launched it’s blackberry service. For more information check Z District’s Blog.

Thanks HBZ



Galler opened up a branch at avenues in phase one, near NBK, and they have this Milkshake that you’ve got to try. I liked it mainly because it’s not heavy and has little chocholate chunks in it. Me and HBZ tried their mix of dark and white chocolate and it was real good. Mo sa7na kilish 😛

Oh and we asked about their Waffles, which was mentioned on Buzberry’s a couple of months back, and they said they’re going to have it soon, they have the machine to do them but they were yet to be trained to use them. Maybe it’s available now since I haven’t been there for over 2 weeks.

Thanks HBZ



I have been encountering some idiots on the roads lately, well we all have, but there is a new kind of idiots. Let me explain!

You know when you’re in a hurry and driving on the left lane and you’ve got a car in front of you that just won’t move to the right? Well, I don’t like to flash the cars in front of me so I get close, then too close. As a last resort I turn up the headlights once or twice so they could wake up and move to the right. Anyway, nowadays there is a new kind of angry drivers on the scene so beware! They won’t move to the right until they see a road camera coming up, and that’s when they speed up a bit, making you do the same, then they move to the right and hit their breaks so you end up getting caught by the camera! Are they on dope? They would better learn about DUI in Orlando, FL. If you want a secure and fast car Autozin offers the best dealership never seen before.

It happened to me more than once now, and thankfully I was always aware that there was a camera ahead. But still, what kind of a sick person would do such a thing!? And why are they so offended by the thought of giving way that they had to have some sort of a revenge?!

Unfortunately there are some  DUI driver that prefer to ‘play tricks’ when driving. If you happen to be one of them and are charged with DUI offense, visit for criminal defense lawyer.


Apparently this slope found it’s purpose in life.. its the new slide for kids! its located in kaifan’s Co-Op.

Look how happy he is! 🙂

Update: It seems this belong to al-dasma co-op.

Thanks A.I



The new Smart civil Ids are going to be distributed on June, according to AlRai newspaper’s source, firstly to Kuwaiti citizens to test it’s efficiency for a year, then start distributing it to the foreigners.

The cards will be distributed through automated machines located in The public authority for civil information (Alhay2a Al3amma lilma3lomat almadaniya). This card is going to help ease the traveling process between GCC countries and also help the governments track down those who are wanted by the law. It will include information about the person’s finger prints, birth certificate stuff, driver’s license and can also be used as an identification tool for banks.

They’re saying it’ll be ready by THIS coming june….


Thanks Khalid
Picture taken from Kuwaitpaperdump





Both the issue of Kuwait’s legal right for compensation from Iraq for the damages caused by 1990 invasion, and the borders issue were raised again by Iraq’s Parliament members.

I don’t get how they can stand there and ask Kuwait to drop the money owed, as a compensation, for something as horrendous as what they as a country did less than 20 years ago.

They also want to re map the borders from their internationally recognized borders, to what they think is their “historic” locations, which is a thing that totally negates the united nations resolutions. They also said that Kuwait wants to get past the borders demarcation issue because Kuwait wants to exploits it’s neighbors natural resources as long as possible. They believe that Kuwait’s stance is holding Iraq down and is causing harm to both countries.

One MP said that we shouldn’t be too cocky to renegotiate the borders and the compensation issues, and that we also shouldn’t be too trustful of the US and our american connections, because the US is closer to them now, as an ally, than it is with Kuwait.

This is what MP Saleh AlMullah had to say when asked about the issue:

“the sovereignty of Kuwait is above all other considerations” And “The Idea of giving up an inch of the country or any of it’s financial or moral rights are not permissible at all.”

Aren’t you just mad at the accusations? I mean, couldn’t a country with less bad name and violent history accuse us of such things?!

SOURCE: And most Kuwaiti newspaper.





Just checked Mark’s blog an found out about this very concerning news. I did some googling anf found out that the disease, according to the officials, haven’t spread among the civilians, yet, just the unspecified number of US troops, and that the patients are being taken care of and some have been deported back to their country.

From ABC news:

A number of United States soldiers who passed through Kuwait have swine flu, a health official says, adding there are no cases among Kuwaitis.

Undersecretary of Health Ibrahim al-Abdulhadi told the official KUNA news agency the unspecified number of soldiers were immediately isolated at the US base in Arifjan, 70 kilometres south of the capital.

He said they were given the necessary medication and that most had left the country.

An unspecified number of others were kept for treatment at the base hospital. No details were given on their condition.

Mr Abdulhadi said Kuwait itself was free of the disease. These are the latest exipure reviews.

How to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Spring may be approaching, but flu season is still going strong.

Usually hitting people during the colder months of the year, the flu is easily spread by several strains of the influenza virus. Its symptoms are characterized by body aches, headaches, a high fever, fatigue, a sore throat and sometimes a runny nose. Cold and flu symptoms can often be confused with each other, but the most common difference is that the flu and its symptoms come suddenly while a cold comes more gradually.

Keep in mind too that flu symptoms vary from age group to age group. You may not experience some of the flu symptoms that your kids experience, like vomiting or diarrhea. Younger children, infants and adults over 65 years old are particularly prone to getting the flu, but that doesn’t mean that anyone not in those age groups are immune to it.

The flu can affect anyone and leaves those infected feeling drained of energy. What you can do to help reduce your chances of getting the flu? Start with these 7 ways for staying healthy during flu season.

Wash Your Hands

This can’t be said enough. Keep your hands free from germs and the flu virus by washing your hands when you come in contact with someone who does have the flu or after you’ve been in a public place.

Keeping hands clean works best when you use soap and water to wash your hands and not just hand sanitizer. Some hand sanitizers fail to kill all of the bacteria that can make you sick and compromise your immune system. Learn more about healthy supplements at

Avoid Touching Your Face

The flu virus can be spread when someone touches an item or surface that a person with the flu has touched. The virus will spread fast if you touch your face with that virus still on your hands. So don’t touch your nose, mouth or eyes before you wash your hands thoroughly.

Distance Yourself

More often than not, though, the virus is airborne, spreading to people nearly 6 feet away when someone with the flu virus coughs, talks or sneezes. If you can, try to avoid crowded, public places during flu season. While you shouldn’t hole yourself into your home all winter, keep your distance with people you know are sick, and frequently wash your hands when you do venture out.


When you hear “diet” you may first think that just means decreasing daily calorie counts. But to help prevent against the flu, try to adopt a diet with less sugar and more unprocessed foods. These foods better support your immune system, as do lots of fluids. Keep yourself hydrated as part of your diet too. For more information visit


Sometimes you just need to take a break. Flu season is no exception to that rule. Getting enough rest is one important way to help prevent getting the flu. But too much stress can make it hard for you to sleep. Long-term stress may even weaken your immune system.

If you’re feeling stressed, find ways that help you to calm yourself down. For some, that’s meditating every morning or taking a warm bath at night. Find what best helps you to relax and unwind.

Get Out and Get Active

Stepping outside to get some sunlight is a natural way to take in vitamin D, which will also help boost your immune system. If you spend your days inside an office, take 10 minutes to walk outside and get a little bit of sunlight. Or get your vitamin D by exercising outside. Exercise is another way to help reduce stress and keep you healthy, in turn helping to prevent you from getting sick.



These new police cars are going to be equipped with special kinds of cameras, those cameras can detect the license plate’s numbers and run them on the police system/database, and just like that the police will know whether you should be stopped and get a ticket (for example if your insurance/license had expired) or be arrested for having a major violation; a stolen car for example. It also detects your speed and deliver an instant speeding ticket. The camera can detect up to 50 license plates per second, of cars going on up to 200 KMPH.

The article also states that these new police cars are going to patrol all the land, air and sea ports.

سيارة الدورية الذكية تتمتع بمواصفات عالية وتجهيزات بالغة التطور تمكنها من القراءة السريعة للوحات المركبات بواقع 50 لوحة بالثانية الواحدة وقراءة لوحات المركبات من مسافات مختلفة، وقراءة لوحات المركبات ليلا ونهارا والتي تسير بسرعة 200 كيلو متر في الساعة والقدرة المثالية بالسيطرة على المركبات ومعرفة حالتها عند نقاط التفتيش من خلال القيام بإصدار انذار صوتي ينبه قائد الدورية او رجل الامن الى معرفة حالة المركبات سواء كانت مخالفة او مطلوبة او مسروقة او منتهية التأمين او غير ذلك
 أكد مصدر مسؤول لـ»الوطن« أن وزارة الداخلية ممثلة بدوريات المرور والنجدة قامت بتجربة أجهزة الكترونية دقيقة وذات تكنولوجيا متطورة ومتقدمة من شأنها اكتشاف السيارات المطلوبة والمسروقة والمرتكب بها مخالفات جسيمة، وكذلك المطلوبين إن كانوا في سياراتهم الخاصة خلال مرورها على الدوريات أو العكس.

وأضاف المصدر أن هذه الأجهزة وهي عبارة عن كاميرا مبرمجة مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر واللاب توب الحكومية والرسمية استطاعت خلال تركيبها على بعض الدوريات وكذلك في مركبات المباحث في الطرق السريعة والشوارع الرئيسية والعادية خلال تجربة لمدة اسبوع من إصدار إشارات فورية لدى مرور سيارات مطلوبة أو مسروقة عليها أو لدى مرور الدورية على تلك السيارات من خلال التقاط الأرقام أو الرموز المدونة على اللوحات المعدنية.

وقال المصدر إن هذه الأجهزة المتقدمة هي غريبة الصنع وقد جرى استيرادها وتجربتها عن طريق قطاع نظم المعلومات في وزارة الداخلية وتمت تجربتها من قبل الوكيل المساعد الشيخ مشعل الجابر والوكيل المساعد اللواء محمود الدوسري والوكيل المساعد اللواء خليل الشمالي وقد أثبتت نجاحها على جميع الطرق وبكافة السرعات التي كانت تسير بها الدوريات والتي بدأت من 80 كيلو حتى 160 كيلو حيث كانت تصدر الإشارات والصافرات التي تؤكد مرور سيارة مسروقة أو سيارة مطلوبة أو مرتكب بها مخالفات جسيمة.

وأضاف المصدر أن هذه الأجهزة تعمل وفق المعلومات الموجودة في أجهزة الحاسوب والكمبيوتر ويقوم المختصون حاليا، بإجراء تعديلات عليها لقراءة أرقام السيارات الخليجية والعربية دون استثناء ويتوقع أن يتم وضعها في القريب العاجل على دوريات أمنية ستتوقف قرب المنافذ البرية والبحرية والجوية.

وأوضح الشيخ مشعل الجابر العبدالله الجابر الصباح أن هذا يأتي تجسيدا لتوجيهات وزير الداخلية الفريق الركن. م الشيخ جابر خالد الصباح الرامية إلى عملية تحديث شامل وواسع النطاق لجميع قطاعات وزارة الداخلية.

Thanks Fawaz




What’s up with the highways today?! I’m still stuck between the 6th and 5th ring roads!

I thought traffic would go down by now, since the finals are nearing.. I’m so gonna be late for work today..

I finally managed to arrive at work, late by 2 hours. I heard in the radio that the cause of the traffic jam at King faisal’s highway (highway 50) was caused by a bursted water tank in Qurtoba. The nice people were slowing down whenever they see signs of leakage so they could get a closer look at the mess.


We had lunch at Brasserie de l’etoile. It’s a new french restaurant in the Avenues mall, phase II. The place looked and felt french, even the music played was perfecting the french mood.

However, The mood they were trying to set did not help my dish one bit. My dish was good, going by the Kuwaiti standards, but if I were to judge this restaurant and compare it to real french ones, I’d say they need to take a closer look at some of their dishes and concentrate on getting the flavors right.
Read the rest of this entry »


The Women’s Cultural Society is hosting a reception tomorow inshallah, May 19th, in honor of the four inspirational women who made history when they made it into the Kuwaiti Parliament. Go show your support and tell the world what we’re made of!

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Address: Khaldiya, Block 2, Alferdous St (Women Cultural Society Headquarters)

Telephone: 24843667

Thanks 1001Nights