My favorite cheesecakes are the Sheraton’s, Market cafe’s (Dubai) and KFC’s (I’m ashamed but its true). I was very interested in tasting choowy Goowy’s new cheesecake when I first read about it at Mark’s, and what a nice surprise it was when loco told me yesterday that he’s bringing one to the diwaniya’s ghabga.
I love cheesecakes and I like them plain, I don’t like cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, whatever berry flavors on top. They overpower the cake and I end up tasting nothing but the berriness of the sauce! So when it comes to those sort of recipes, where the flavors are subtle, they can be easily butchered, and more often than not they are butchered beyond recognition.
The newyorker did not exceed my expectations, it met them, which is absolutely great for a first time. Thick texture, hard enough crust, and straight up mmmm-worthy overall taste. (I would’ve preferred an extra drop or two of lemon while in the making).
I did not appreciate the nutty flavored crust and did not know what was between the crust and the cake, But I’ve been told that we can easily choose our own crusts so this, thankfully, won’t be a problem in the future.
The packaging and portion. The package was simple, they’re going to be done with their new package designs soon (read it on Choowies blog) and it will look nicer. The cake was cut to 8 pieces. It could’ve easily been cut to 10, but thats ok, 8 bigger pieces are totally fine by me.
It is now only second place on my favorite cheesecake’s list; the Sheraton’s is still a bit better.
The cheesecake was a winner. They did a good job with the recipe.
To order:
Phone #2626559 – 2620011