

We were invited by Ahmad’s in law’s to their farm in Abdali so we decided to head to Abdali in the early morning to enjoy the full day there. So at 9:00 i was ready and waiting at my in law’s and then we all headed to Abdali. We arrived around 10:30 and we, me and ahmad, went to take some pictures in the farm (which was beyond AMAZING mashalah). And here are the pictures we’ve taken.

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Me & Yousef wish you a happy Eid 🙂

So what’s your lunch for tomorrow ? Ours is Machboos from the above 😛




Usually whenever we want some iranian food delivered to our house we order from Marafi’s, But since 9k2hn was telling us about this Babak restaurant and how well is their presentation, we figured we’d order from them this time and give them a try.

I was expecting the packaging to be slighly better than Kabab Alhejja’s.. you know the white foam boxes wrapped in strings. But this one went well above my expectations. It was very nicely packaged. I leave you with the pictures now.

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There is a 20% discount if you paid using KFH cards. Don’t forget that when you’re paying next time.

Thanks Ahmad


Ali just spotted an elevator parking near Villa Fairoz.

It was actually under testing and not officially launched. I remembered i saw this one when i was in Tokyo in 2004 and it took us 4 years to get this technology to Kuwait. I think a 4 years lag is not that much looking at the gap in technology between Kuwait and Japan 🙂

Thanks Ali


Ali also capture it in motion .. Thanks again 🙂

Incase the video isn’t working, you can check it out HERE.


Can you imagine that the US in 1973 was thinking of taking over the oil fields in Kuwait, Saudi and Abudhabi?

Very interesting read:

“The United States government seriously contemplated using military force to seize oil fields in the Middle East during the Arab oil embargo 30 years ago, according to a declassified British government document made public on Thursday.

The top-secret document says that President Richard M. Nixon was prepared to act more aggressively than previously thought to secure America’s oil supply if the embargo, imposed by Arab nations in retaliation for America’s support for Israel in the 1973 Middle East war, did not end. In fact, the embargo was lifted in March 1974.

The declassified British memorandum said the United States considered launching airborne troops to seize oil fields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi, but only as a ”last resort.””

“As outlined in the memorandum, military action would be relatively straightforward: two brigades were estimated to be needed to seize the Saudi oil fields and one each for Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. In the case of Abu Dhabi, the Americans might ask for British military cooperation.

The greatest threat would arise in Kuwait, the document said, ”where the Iraqis, with Soviet backing, might be tempted to intervene.”

Read more HERE.

Thanks sfsa78.




Aloo Sahmek is an interesting idea that’ll come in handy if you were in a hurry and wanted to know about a certain stock. You’d just have to call them and you’ll get a speech recognition machine that’ll tell you all the info you need about your stock e.g. ask price, bid price and last traded deal price.

Their # 22252211



We spotted this flying trike in Alzour as he was passing right above us.

I think it’s a very cool hobby and I would love to go on a ride one day, but the thing is.. I’m afraid of heights. Especially when I’m hovering 30 meters above ground in a little flying tricycle. Actually, that would be my worst nightmare come true 😛


If you enjoy camping and are thinking of going with your friends or family, then I think you should read this little story I got here, but before, after significant research of camping, hiking and backpacking chairs, Springer Camping Chair is one of the most comfortable camping chairs we have tested beside Helinox Chair. To better better be prepared against animals and snakes you may run in to the way, visit campingfunzone.com for their vast information about camping, insects and animals.

My father’s friend’s son was camping with his friends somewhere in Kuwait, since they love to camp and visit all the places which are offered for camping such as Reykjadalur (Smokey Valley) which is one of the bests camping places on Iceland. The place wasn’t isolated and they were surrounded with a lot of other campers. It was night time and the guy couldn’t sleep but all of his other friends were asleep. He was just lying there facing the tent’s loosely shut door. They never fully shut the door incase someone was in a hurry to relieve himself in the middle of the night…

Image result for Camping in Kuwait

While he was staring at the door waiting to fall asleep, he saw someone trying to get in. He was expecting to see a familiar face entering, but instead he saw a very tall black man entering the tent. He stayed quite. He didn’t know him and immediately sensed that he and possibly all of his friends were in danger, so he stayed quite, fearing that the guy might be armed and any movement may evoke the guy to use whatever weapon he may be carrying. The guy entered the tent and was looking around by now. Our friend made sure to stay quite and followed the guy with his eyes. The guy came close to him, he was carrying a big stick.. it was too wide for a stick.. then he saw it, the guy was carrying a big butcher knife like the one pictured above. He knew it.. either stay quite and hope for the best, or make a sound and result in a catastrophe.

The guy went from one person to another, taking every mobile he finds. He even had the nerve to uncover one of the sleeping guys to take the mobile from under the blanket. After taking 5 mobiles, he turned around and went out of the tent.

Moral of the story: BECAREFUL OUT THERE!

KUWAIT CITY, March 11: Even though Kuwait Municipality has been taking necessary preparations to end the spring camping season by mid-March, Director General of Kuwait Municipality Eng Ahmad Al-Manfouhi has submitted a recommendation to the spring camping committee to extend the spring camping season to April, reports Al- Rai daily quoting informed sources, still they recommend every camper to read this Crow Survival article that will let them  know everything about camping accessories, you deserve a travel experience that is better than what any other RV has to offer. And that is just what 13 ft Casita Patriot for sale gives you!

They explained that the Eng Al-Manfouhi’s recommendation is aimed to compensate campers, who are also trending to stay over nigh thanks to the new camping wood stoves, for the delay in the start of the camping season due to the damages caused by heavy rains experienced in the country last November. This had led to postponement of the spring camping season based on instructions of Ministry of Defense to ensure safety of the sites and check for landmines and other such dangerous objects. The sources said Kuwait Municipality will address the concerned authorities to coordinate in this regard.


^click on it to view a bigger version.

Isn’t the picture just beautiful?

Been feeling a little patriotic lately. Join me. Watch this video and do some rid7ing. 🙂

Picture by Sulaiman.


I went last week with Mom to this place coz she wanted to buy some kitchenwares. She told me that I have to post about it coz this place is a haven for every person responsible for a household. Their products are of high quality, their prices according to Mom are reasonable and more importantly, they have everything when it comes to kitchen and housewares.
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Marijuana and Cancer

Marijuana is the name given to the dried buds and leaves of varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant, which can grow wild in warm and tropical climates throughout the world and be cultivated commercially. It goes by many names, including pot, grass, cannabis, weed, hemp, hash, marihuana, ganja, and dozens of others.

Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuries. Scientists have identified many biologically active components in marijuana. These are called cannabinoids. The two best studied components are the chemicals delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (often referred to as THC), and cannabidiol (CBD). Other cannabinoids are being studied.

At this time, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists marijuana and its cannabinoids as Schedule I controlled substances. This means that they cannot legally be prescribed, possessed, or sold under federal law. Whole or crude marijuana (including marijuana oil or hemp oil) is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any medical use. But the use of marijuana to treat some medical conditions is legal under state laws in many states.

Dronabinol, a pharmaceutical form of THC, and a man-made cannabinoid drug called nabilone are approved by the FDA to treat some conditions. This is the best way for using a one hitter properly.

Types of marijuana compounds

Different compounds in marijuana have different actions in the human body. For example, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) seems to cause the “high” reported by marijuana users, and also can help relieve pain and nausea, reduce inflammation, and can act as an antioxidant. Cannabidiol (CBD) can help treat seizures, can reduce anxiety and paranoia, and can counteract the “high” caused by THC.

Different cultivars (strains or types) and even different crops of marijuana plants can have varying amounts of these and other active compounds. This means that marijuana can have different effects based on the strain used.

The effects of marijuana also vary depending on how marijuana compounds enter the body. The most common ways to use marijuana are in food (edible marijuana) and by smoking or vaping it (inhaled marijuana):

  • Edible marijuana: When taken by mouth, such as when it’s used in cooking oils, drinks (beer, tea, vodka, soda), baked goods (biscuits, brownies, cookies), and candy, the THC is absorbed poorly and can take hours to be absorbed. Once it’s absorbed, it’s processed by the liver, which produces a second psychoactive compound (a substance that acts on the brain and changes mood or consciousness) that affects the brain differently than THC. It’s important to know that the amount of THC in foods that have had marijuana added to them is often unknown and getting too much THC might cause symptoms of overdose.
  • Inhaled marijuana: When marijuana is smoked or vaporized, THC enters the bloodstream and goes to the brain quickly. The second psychoactive compound is produced in small amounts, and so has less effect. The effects of inhaled marijuana fade faster than marijuana taken by mouth.


We were in Marina crescent on thursday for the GulfRun event. There was a car show and a lot of really cool cars on display. I didn’t know it was an annual thing and that this year is it’s 4th.

“The GulfRun was first created in 2005 by a group of young Kuwaitis’ who wanted to practice car racing in a professional and secure environment. They wanted to avoid street racing, reduce car accidents, and prevent spreading fear among public, therefore, they rented the world renowned Bahrain International Circuit to be able to achieve their goal, strengthen their driving skills and learn the capability of their cars.

Three years later the GulfRun has evolved into an annual friendly racing competition. Under the guidance of professional-racers and instructors, racers are able to push their cars to the limits in a regulated and secured environment. At the Bahrain International Circuit, full safety will be emphasized as multiple instructors will be present along with a full safety staff, commonplace in F1 races.”

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My friend came across these fine actors in Soug Almubarakiya last week. They were shooting a scene there. I really wish I was there.. I still to this day get all nervous and in awe when I come across Kuwaiti actors of this caliber 🙂

Thanks Sulaiman.




Just noticed that KNCC has changed their web site.


Thanks Ahmad


A lot of you guys have been waiting for Xperia A.K.A. X1 to get released in Kuwait and now the wait is over. My friend just got it and sent me the picture above. It’s available in silver in all of the Barak Center branches. It costs KD275.

Their phone # 1-833-777 ext. 123

Thanks Taymoor.



I think no one here dont know “Tomkyari sadeeqo.” Now here we have the original clip where they sampled the whole thing for the infamous kuwaiti operetta “Bsa6 Alfagur.”

Thanks Om MiMi!





Just found that our co-op is has gone to the next level with price tags 😛 just scan your product and it will show you the price.

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD


We went to Alwafra on friday where our friend rented horses for us to ride for an hour around the farm. As much as I don’t care for horses, I ended up having fun and the hour went by pretty quickly. Right after that we went to Alwafra’s veggies Market. It was more like the friday market where everything is being sold from animals to plants to veggies.

I’ll let the pictures speak for the rest of the post now.

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