There are certain things that shouldn’t cost so much. I wouldn’t mind spending on a nice watch, a nice wallet, a nice whatever. But a TV at KD1500+ is just not worth buying. I’d rather spend some extra dollars for a satellite TV, either dish or direct tv for HD experience channels. Some might argue that TVs are the most used piece of furniture ever invented, and I’d agree, but certain things shouldn’t cost much, the tv is one of those things.

Fa 3ad I’ve been shopping around for a nice audio visual (AV) rentals to put on my room’s wall and replace my current vintage “Bo dabba” TV. I like doing my research before I buy something.. it took me 3 months to buy my sound canceling bose headphones.. so you can imagine how much time would I need to buy a new TV.. (7 years) e7em.. anyway. I was glad when they announce the LED technology, I thought I was real smart for holding out and not buying the thin Full HD TVs when they came out, coz now we have something that is even slimmer and akshakh.. I also remember not liking it’s KD1000+ price. No TV is worth my 1000+ monayyh. And it happened all over again with the new cool and futuristic 3D TVs. I mean you can’t help but be a kid again with 3D technology, right?

But you know what? I’ve always thought that we, humans, weren’t meant to indulge ourselves in such an advanced technology, it’s way too cool, and even way cooler to have at our houses and in our rooms.. ya3ny imagine yourself going to sleep to a 3D TV. We’re just not there yet. And apparently someone whose opinion really does matter agrees with me, and have proofs that 3D TVs doesn’t work well with our brains. Unless they produce holographic images, they won’t work.

Anyway, if you’re thinking of buying one, with or without 3D glasses, then you might want to read this article. I did, and you should read this piece by too, it’s by a multiple academy award winning editor Walter Murch.


“But the deeper problem is that the audience must focus their eyes at the plane of the screen — say it is 80 feet away. This is constant no matter what.

But their eyes must converge at perhaps 10 feet away, then 60 feet, then 120 feet, and so on, depending on what the illusion is. So 3D films require us to focus at one distance and converge at another. And 600 million years of evolution has never presented this problem before. All living things with eyes have always focused and converged at the same point.”

“3D films would not work if we couldn’t. But it is like tapping your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time, difficult. So the “CPU” of our perceptual brain has to work extra hard, which is why after 20 minutes or so many people get headaches. They are doing something that 600 million years of evolution never prepared them for. This is a deep problem, which no amount of technical tweaking can fix. Nothing will fix it short of producing true “holographic” images.”

“So: dark, small, stroby, headache inducing, alienating. And expensive. The question is: how long will it take people to realize and get fed up?” – Walter Murch

“It doesn’t work with our brains and it never will.
The notion that we are asked to pay a premium to witness an inferior and inherently brain-confusing image is outrageous. The case is closed.” – Roger Ebert

So, now we have 2 problems at hand: #1 We need another million years or so to learn how to watch 3D TVs. and #2 TVs shouldn’t cost this much!!




Tips for Healthy Ramadan Fasting

Ramadan kareem!

If you’re one of the world’s millions of Muslims observing Ramadan this month, chances are you’re fasting from dawn to sunset each day.

Fasting is an important part of many religious traditions, and can usually be accomplished safely. However, if you have any health conditions — including pregnancy, breast-feeding, or diabetes or another illness — it’s best to consult with your religious leader and/or your doctor to determine if you still need to fast or you’re able to fast without harm.

And if you are taking any medications, be sure to ask your health care provider if you can safely skip them or whether they can be taken without food and fluids. If you feel unwell during a fast, rest, consider sipping some juice, and consult a clinician if your symptoms do not improve.

Please consider these additional tips from our partners at Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Successful Ramadan Fasting

By Sonya Islam, MPH, RD
Sonya is a former Extension Associate with Cornell Cooperative Extension, and is a Registered Dietitian and a practicing Muslim.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. Although we may differ in how we prepare our minds and bodies, here are some tips that can help Muslims adjust to the daily fast:

1. Stay hydrated. Try drinking fluid several times throughout the night, even if you aren’t feeling too thirsty—thirst is a signal that your body is ALREADY dehydrated. Choose fluids that don’t contain caffeine, because caffeinated drinks can be dehydrating. Remember, breaking your fast at iftar (the evening meal after sunset) with water not only is traditional, it ensures that you get the best source of hydration into your body before becoming distracted with food. Read more about chillwell ac.

But, be careful and don’t go overboard with drinking too much at one time. Trying to drink a few gallons all at once can dilute your body’s electrolytes, inducing a potentially fatal condition called water intoxication.

2. Variety is the spice of life. Eat a variety of foods during the evening. Now, more than ever, your body needs good nourishment to compensate for the stress of fasting. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fat (fat from plants, like olive oil and nuts)—all of these are important to give your body all the nutrients it needs.

3. Portion size is important. It takes the body about 20 minutes to register that it’s had enough to eat. So don’t go overboard with eating during iftar. Eating mindfully and listening for when your hunger is actually satisfied puts less stress on your body and gives you more energy than eating huge amounts at one time. These are the best phenq reviews.

4. Keep moving. Though fasting can be physically exhausting, try not to be completely sedentary. If you typically work out during the morning, see how your body feels if you switch exercise to the evening after breaking your fast. Strenuous exercise is not a good idea during the day because you can quickly become dehydrated. Think small—short easy walks (to classes or doing errands) or a few stretches can go a long way in keeping your energy up during the day.

5. A few secrets to a successful sehri (pre-sunrise meal). Together, the components of a balanced meal help your blood sugar remain most stable, which gives you good energy. Some of the elements to include in your sehri:

  • Whole grains—sources include whole grain cereal, whole grain bread, brown rice, and oatmeal.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables—check out the produce section for dozens of ideas!
  • Protein—sources include milk, yogurt, eggs, nuts.
  • Healthy fat—sources are nuts and olives.

Try these easy combinations in addition to drinking water during sehri:

  • Oatmeal made with low-fat milk and topped with fruit and nuts.
  • A bowl of whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk, topped with fruit and nuts.
  • A piece of whole-grain toast, a boiled egg, and a piece of fruit.
  • A peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread and a glass of low-fat milk.
  • A banana or apple with peanut butter and a glass of low-fat milk.
  • A bowl of vegetable soup, a piece of whole grain toast, and a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Whole-wheat couscous salad with mixed vegetables, olive oil, and canned tuna.

6. Find what works for you. Depending on your sleeping schedule, you may want to experiment with how often and when you eat to keep your energy up. Which brings me to a (somewhat obvious) point…


Hey guys! How’ve you been? It’s been a long time since we last spoke!

So yeah, we took a nice 2 (almost 3) months off. Whoa, we loved it; we even visited the Palace Casino Resort. Have a look at emoneyindeed. We have new found appreciation for sleeping early. Personally, I slept better by not worrying about posting new stuff for tomorrow. It’s a wonderful feeling, sleeping without having guilt creeping up on you for not posting. You know what was even more fun? Complaining about how other blogs aren’t posting often enough 🙂 we loved being able to read and enjoy other blogs, again. You guys (Kuwaiti bloggers in general) are doing an amazing job.

So what have I done in the past 2 months? I traveled! For a month! 30 days! To the US! (Too many exclamation marks!!!) For travel guidance visit as this helped us when we stopped by the Cayman Islands.

I took my camera, the big heavy camera and its big bag with all those different lenses, which eventually took their burden on my poor shoulder. But this time I wasn’t obliged to take it everywhere with me… I didn’t have to report back to my blog. You see, going out without my camera strapped to my back wasn’t an option, for a long time, and that isn’t the case anymore. That was the case with me, and is with most bloggers; they go to places and take all their readers along with them to every outing. This time nothing was crowding me during my vacation. Well maybe a thing or two, but nothing more.

I have so much stuff to say about my trip. I won’t rush myself. I won’t even bother reread this post and correct stuff. No serious editing, anyway.

We’re back! (in a way) And it’s about time.. Dontcha think?


Finally Starbucks’ Christmas special is back! I love it. I missed it. I’m gonna have some right now.

Thanks loco


During ramadan I got Julia Child‘s book ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking’ on my laptop. I skimmed through it, and after a half an hour, I remember I felt that it was impossible to cook any of her recipes. But the amount of preciseness, attention to detail and time management she cooks with, was impossible to follow. But I thought, what the hell, I’m gonna try a recipe or two. I chose the cream of mushroom soup.

We were at the chalet, my friend went to Fahaheel and bought all the stuff needed from Sultan Center (We figured might as well pay a little extra for better ingredient, it’s french cooking afterall, Julia Child’s french cooking).


  • 400 grams of mushrooms.
  • 1/4 minced onions. We used white onion.
  • 7 table spoon butter (she’s a bit crazy with butter)
  • 3 table spoon flour
  • 6 cups of chick stock
  • 2 parsley sprigs (kham6a zgheera parsley mga9a9 3adil)
  • 1/3 bay leaf
  • 1/8 t tea spoon thyme (see how annoying she is?)
  • 1 tea spoon lemon juice
  • 2 ego yolks
  • 3/4 cup whipping cream
  • Salt and Pepper to taste (chicken stock is salty so becareful)

Check out the rest of the pictures along with the recipe, ingredients, and final result


Tips for Maintaining Good Health


الله يرحمك يا غانم الصالح.

أحسن من قدم الفن الكويتي. بالكوميديا كان افضل فنان في رايي. بلدرما كان افضلهم. خفيف طينة و طبيعي و كويتي! إتحس كلامه صج كويتي.

غانم الصالح كان أحسن او أكثر فنان كويتي أبداع بنسبة لي

.الله يرحمك ويغمد روحك الجنة انشالله. ويصبر أهلك




الكويت (ا ف ب) – توفي الممثل والمسرحي الكويتي المعروف غانم الصالح الثلاثاء عن 68 عاما في لندن حيث كان يتلقى العلاج من مرض سرطان الرئة، على ما افادت عدة وسائل اعلام محلية.

وذكر موقع صحيفة الآن الالكترونية الكويتية ان الصالح توفي “في احد مستشفيات العاصمة البريطانية التي انتقل لها في التاسع من الشهر الجاري لاستكمال علاجه من التهابات حادة وشديدة في صدره انتهت إلى اصابته بمرض سرطان الرئة”.

ويفترض ان يصل جثمان الصالح الاربعاء الى الكويت حيث يوارى الثرى.

واشتهر الصالح بادوار تلفزيونية ومسرحية عدة لاسيما مسرحية “باي باي لندن”، وهو يعد من رواد الحركة المسرحية في الكويت والخليج عموما.

ولد الصالح عام 1942 في منطقة صيهد العوازم في الكويت، وهو متزوج وله خمسة ابناء.

ساهم الصالح بتأسيس فرقة المسرح العربي عام 1961، وذلك اثناء عمله اعتبارا من عام 1959 وحتى 1964 في وزارة العدل بمحكمة الاستئناف العليا كسكرتير جلسة.

وعمل الصالح بعد ذلك في تلفزيون الكويت حيث اصبح مساعدا لرئيس قسم التمثيليات ثم رئيسا له. وتقاعد الفنان عام 1983.

ومن ابرز اعماله التلفزيونية والمسرحية “الحظ والملايين” “خرج ولم يعد”، “عاد ولكن”، “ازعاج”، “الصحيح مايطيح”، “باي باي لندن”، “فرسان المناخ” و”محكمة الفريج” وغيرها.ك




Hints and Tips

Vaughan’s Kitchen have put together these helpful hints and tips to help you plan for your special event, hopefully with our unique food! It might seem a daunting task but, the sooner you start, the less stressful it will seem! Save the most memorable memories with pro stockmaster.

The Venue

Vaughan’s Kitchen has access to some unusual and stunning venues from beautifully restored barns, to classic castles, and terrific tepees.

Take a look at our venues page.

  • Based in Devizes, the heart of rural Wiltshire, we cover the entire county and the surrounding counties. If you are concerned your venue may be too far away, check with us first – nothing is impossible is our motto!
  • Once you have confirmed a venue, you will need to consider the logistics – for example if hosting your event in a marquee, think about access to power and a water supply. It may necessitate the hiring of kitchen equipment, but not always! Keep on reading…
  • If we have not worked at your venue before, we will arrange a site visit before your event to discuss the logistical details of the day.

The Food

  1. Greet your guests with canapes. This will take the edge off their hunger, stop them getting too merry too early and give them a taste of what is to come.
  2. Our menus are tailor-made to reflect your style and characters – so why shouldn’t the format? Don’t feel you have to stick to a traditional seated three-course plated dinner. Why not consider sharing platters for your main course? This allows a number of dishes to be show-cased, as well as getting your guests interacting with one another!You can be as fun and quirky as you like with your format.
  3. Ask us about our interactive and exciting dessert option that will get your guests talking.
  4. Dare we say it but simplicity works every time! Offering a choice of plated dishes whereby guests have to pre-order can usually become a nightmare for you as you will have to collate all the information, pass it onto the caterers at least 2 weeks beforehand – only for most guests to have forgotten what they ordered!
  5. But don’t be put off by offering a choice – to help remind guests what they have chosen just simply pop their choices on the back of their name cards.
  6. Allergies or dietary requirements can be catered for without any issue, just let us know in advance the specifics – we are masters at creating exciting dishes for those who are gluten free or vegan. Have you tried our vegan friendly chocolate fudge cake from Peter’s cookbook?
  7. No matter the size of your event from a small intimate get together to a rowdy shindig, supplying the caterer with a table plan will always go down well with them! It is useful to know where those with special dietary requirements will be and allows us to serve them in the same fashion as everyone else – friendly, professional and seamless.
  8. Don’t forget to consider your photographer / band members / even nanny when it comes to planning the catering! If you would like us to provide them with a meal, prices begin at £10.00 per person.
  9. If you’re feeling a more fun and informal style of service such as sharing platters do take into consideration your table decorations – will there be enough room for those delicious sharing platters? Can your guests see each other?
  10. Evening guests and happy wedding revellers will become hungry after a night of dancing and drinking – what will you provide?
  11. We have many suggestions – from a good old fashioned bacon bap with smoked Wiltshire bacon and a homemade tomato chutney sauce to crispy wraps from our Tennessee Hot Smoker with a variety of delicious fillings to help fuel the party spirit.
  12. Don’t forget to add yourself to your final numbers for the caterers – forgetting this is more common than you would believe!

The Drinks

  • Trying to figure out how many bottles of wine and beer to buy? Here is a handy link to a  wine calculator and remember places like Majestic do free glass hire and ice bins so it is worth having a look. You may prefer the Calais booze run and places like The Calais Wine Superstore will pay for your ferry there and back!
  • Drinks service  if you are holding your event in a marquee/village hall you will need to consider who will serve your drinks, how they will be served and what to do about bottles afterwards. Vaughan’s Kitchen would be delighted to help you out with drinks service and we offer several options

When we quote you for an event we will always include the cost of crockery, cutlery, service, linen, commission (if the venue charges one) plus VAT. We  try to make sure that there are no hidden charges further down the line.  Your quote will  state clearly what is included.


How to Build Healthy Habits

Credit…Amrita Marino

We’re all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and commute to work, following the same patterns every day.

So why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?

Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way. We make bold resolutions to start exercising or lose weight, for example, without taking the steps needed to set ourselves up for success.

Here are some tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.

Stack your habits. The best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit, experts say. Look for patterns in your day and think about how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones.

For many of us, our morning routine is our strongest routine, so that’s a great place to stack on a new habit. A morning cup of coffee, for example, can create a great opportunity to start a new one-minute meditation practice. Or, while you are brushing your teeth, you might choose to do squats or stand on one foot to practice balance. Check these ikaria lean belly juice reviews.


Continue reading the main story

Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to flop on the couch after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.

Start small. B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University researcher and author of the book “Tiny Habits,” notes that big behavior changes require a high level of motivation that often can’t be sustained. He suggests starting with tiny habits to make the new habit as easy as possible in the beginning. Taking a daily short walk, for example, could be the beginning of an exercise habit. Or, putting an apple in your bag every day could lead to better eating habits.

  • Thanks for reading The Times.

Subscribe to The Times

In his own life, Dr. Fogg wanted to start a daily push-up habit. He started with just two push-ups a day and, to make the habit stick, tied his push-ups to a daily habit: going to the bathroom. He began by, after a bathroom trip, dropping and doing two push-ups. Now he has a habit of 40 to 80 push-ups a day.

Do it every day. British researchers studied how people form habits in the real world, asking participants to choose a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. The study, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, showed that the amount of time it took for the task to become automatic — a habit — ranged from 18 to 254 days. The median time was 66 days!

The lesson is that habits take a long time to create, but they form faster when we do them more often, so start with something reasonable that is really easy to do. You are more likely to stick with an exercise habit if you do some small exercise — jumping jacks, a yoga pose, a brisk walk — every day, rather than trying to get to the gym three days a week. Once the daily exercise becomes a habit, you can explore new, more intense forms of exercise.


Continue reading the main story

Make it easy. Habit researchers know we are more likely to form new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your gym bag and leaving it by the door is one example of this. Wendy Wood, a research psychologist at the University of Southern California, says she began sleeping in her running clothes to make it easier to roll out of bed in the morning, slip on her running shoes and run. Choosing an exercise that doesn’t require you to leave the house — like situps or jumping jacks — is another way to form an easy exercise habit.

Dr. Wood, author of the book, “Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick,” calls the forces that get in the way of good habits “friction.” In one study, researchers changed the timing of elevator doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close. (Normally the doors closed after 10 seconds.) It was just enough of a delay that it convinced many people that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the elevator. “It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment,” said Dr. Wood. “Just slowing down the elevator got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the elevator went back to normal timing.”

Dr. Wood notes that marketers are already experts in reducing friction, inducing us to spend more, for example, or order more food. That’s why Amazon has a “one-click” button and fast-food companies make it easy to supersize. “We’re just very influenced by how things are organized around us in ways that marketers understand and are exploiting, but people don’t exploit and understand in their own lives,” she said.

Reward yourself. Rewards are an important part of habit formation. When we brush our teeth, the reward is immediate — a minty fresh mouth. But some rewards — like weight loss or the physical changes from exercise — take longer to show up. That’s why it helps to build in some immediate rewards to help you form the habit. Listening to audiobooks while running, for example, or watching a favorite cooking show on the treadmill can help reinforce an exercise habit. Or plan an exercise date so the reward is time with a friend.




Mishary posted about this station over a year ago, before it opened. This station is near GUST & ACK. I went last week for the first time, and I thought It was refreshingly different from most of Kuwait’s outdated gas stations.

More pictures


We all know about the Afghan girl who was disfigured by her husband after her act of ‘mutiny’ against him and his family.

A quick background:

She was promised by her father to be married to a Taliban at the age of 12. She got married at 14. She was abused by her husband and his family, verbal and physical, they even forced her to sleep with the animals.

She fled her husband’s house, but was captured soon after. Her husband and his brother took her to a hill, held her down, and with a sharp knife they cut off her nose and both of her ears, and then left to die alone. She passed out, and in the middle of the night woke up, and tried to find someone to help her. She went to her grandfather who alerted her father, who inturn took her to an american medical facility. They took care of her for 10 weeks.


She just revealed her new prosthetic nose to the public. This is how her new nose would look like after a year of intensive reconstructive surgeries. Before commiting to surgery, you may be wondering how much is a nose job?

I think she’s a beautiful and a strong woman. May God avenge her.

Source & Source

Thanks Mohammed




How to Build Healthy Habits

It’s not about willpower. Good habits happen when we set ourselves up for success. Our new challenge will show you how.

Credit…Amrita Marino

Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way. We make bold resolutions to start exercising or lose weight, for example, without taking the steps needed to set ourselves up for success.

Here are some tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.

Stack your habits. The best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit, experts say. Look for patterns in your day and think about how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones.

For many of us, our morning routine is our strongest routine, so that’s a great place to stack on a new habit. A morning cup of coffee, for example, can create a great opportunity to start a new one-minute meditation practice. Or, while you are brushing your teeth, you might choose to do squats or stand on one foot to practice balance.


Continue reading the main story

Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to flop on the couch after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.

Start small. B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University researcher and author of the book “Tiny Habits,” notes that big behavior changes require a high level of motivation that often can’t be sustained. He suggests starting with tiny habits to make the new habit as easy as possible in the beginning. Taking a daily short walk, for example, could be the beginning of an exercise habit. Or, putting an apple in your bag every day could lead to better eating habits. Visit Washingtoncitypaper.

  • Thanks for reading The Times.

Subscribe to The Times

In his own life, Dr. Fogg wanted to start a daily push-up habit. He started with just two push-ups a day and, to make the habit stick, tied his push-ups to a daily habit: going to the bathroom. He began by, after a bathroom trip, dropping and doing two push-ups. Now he has a habit of 40 to 80 push-ups a day.

Do it every day. British researchers studied how people form habits in the real world, asking participants to choose a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. The study, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, showed that the amount of time it took for the task to become automatic — a habit — ranged from 18 to 254 days. The median time was 66 days!

The lesson is that habits take a long time to create, but they form faster when we do them more often, so start with something reasonable that is really easy to do. You are more likely to stick with an exercise habit if you do some small exercise — jumping jacks, a yoga pose, a brisk walk — every day, rather than trying to get to the gym three days a week. Once the daily exercise becomes a habit, you can explore new, more intense forms of exercise, Read more.


Continue reading the main story

Make it easy. Habit researchers know we are more likely to form new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your gym bag and leaving it by the door is one example of this. Wendy Wood, a research psychologist at the University of Southern California, says she began sleeping in her running clothes to make it easier to roll out of bed in the morning, slip on her running shoes and run. Choosing an exercise that doesn’t require you to leave the house — like situps or jumping jacks — is another way to form an easy exercise habit. Learn more at

Dr. Wood, author of the book, “Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick,” calls the forces that get in the way of good habits “friction.” In one study, researchers changed the timing of elevator doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close. (Normally the doors closed after 10 seconds.) It was just enough of a delay that it convinced many people that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the elevator. “It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment,” said Dr. Wood. “Just slowing down the elevator got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the elevator went back to normal timing.”

Dr. Wood notes that marketers are already experts in reducing friction, inducing us to spend more, for example, or order more food. That’s why Amazon has a “one-click” button and fast-food companies make it easy to supersize. “We’re just very influenced by how things are organized around us in ways that marketers understand and are exploiting, but people don’t exploit and understand in their own lives,” she said.

Reward yourself. Rewards are an important part of habit formation. When we brush our teeth, the reward is immediate — a minty fresh mouth. But some rewards — like weight loss or the physical changes from exercise — take longer to show up. That’s why it helps to build in some immediate rewards to help you form the habit. Listening to audiobooks while running, for example, or watching a favorite cooking show on the treadmill can help reinforce an exercise habit. Or plan an exercise date so the reward is time with a friend.


I don’t appreciate drivers like the one pictured above. They’re careless and tasteless. Look at how she was blocking us when she could’ve easiliy moved over a little. Notice the space in front of her? yet she refused to budge when I honked. I mean come on pick a lane lady!

She’s going to end up causing an accident at this rate. And with insurance rates at all time high, she should be more respectful and mindful of others while out on the road!

You know what she did? She drove her car over the two lanes till we reached the intersection, thats when she moved to the right and continued ahead.

Annoying careless drivers are a hazard to my mood every morning.




Tips for Maintaining Good Health



The first time I came near drowning was way back in 1990 in a swimming pool in Spain. My older brother ‘saved’ me. The second time was just 2 months ago, in Sharm AlSheikh, while in full diving gear.

We were diving in Shark’s Bay. The Shark’s bay’s name sounds dangerous, but I’ve never seen a shark over there. The dive was a shore dive, which means you wear your gear and walk to the sea and slowly get submerged under the waters as you walk further in. Cool place to dive since even when your feet could still touch the ground, you can see all the corals, fish, and lovely blue depths ahead. The water’s beauty over there is intoxicating.

It was an early dive, the bus was coming to pick us up and we were still in our beds. Sulaiman being the most disciplined person in the group passed by our room earlier and woke us all up and headed to the breakfast buffet. The breakfast was essential prior to every dive. You had to have something to eat before a dive, that’s what we were taught. That morning however, we barely had enough time to pack our gears and wear our shorts. There was always a time shortage when we’re in Sharm. We walked out of our rooms and headed to the car, Sulaiman met us half way. He was coming to yell at us for being late, as always.

We got to Shark Bay in 10 minutes, wore our gear and were in the water soon after. I was hungry and excited, my excitement totally overshadowed me being hungry, and that, my friends, is rare in my case. We walked into the water, wore our masks, then walked in a littler deeper, and finally peeked under the surface. It was beautiful down there. The Corals, colored fish, crystal clear waters.. You could see that we were excited about this place as soon as we looked back up. The guide ordered us all to empty the air in all of our BCDs (vests) and start the dive. We happily did.

The ground’s slope at this location is amazing. You can touch the ground with your feet one minute, and the next minute you’re 15 meters under the surface. Amazing. We started going deeper and deeper, I had a weird feeling going through me only 10 minutes after the dive. I didn’t know what it was. I ignored it cautiously. The dive was getting better, we were nearing a canyon, and I haven’t seen this canyon when I came to this same spot last year. As we were taking our time to get to the canyon, that weird feeling started to bother me and I felt that something bad was about to happen. I didn’t know what was going on, I didn’t know what that feeling was, It just felt like my heart have just received some really bad news; I felt heavy hearted.

I was looking at 2 of my friends infront of me, they were beginners. I was observing the air bubbles coming out of their mouths. Aziz was getting better at controlling his air intakes, while Mohammed was only getting worse. Unbroken chains of bubbles were rising from his mouth. He was basically draining his air tank, and at this rate, we’ll be forced to end our dive and get out in no time. We hate that. I, on the other hand, was great at controlling my breathing.

While observing their bubbles, That weird feeling started to get the best of me. I felt I was being suffocated.

There is something you learn instinctively, as you get into diving, and it’s really important: You don’t get into the water or plan a dive unless there is someone around who you trust 100% and could count on. That someone that day was Sulaiman. I motioned him over, he came close immediately. I took his white board and wrote ‘Madry Shfeeny’ on it (I don’t know whats wrong with me). He took my hand and we swam together. I didn’t want to ruin their dive, it was a nice one and everybody seemed to enjoy it, so far.

You shouldn’t bother trying to be unselfish when you’re under water. This was something I learned the hard way.

That weird feeling didn’t leave me for one bit, and it started to really take over me in a suffocating way. We have reached the canyon.

The canyon was narrow; it looked like a narrow crack through big sharp edged walls. The walls on the insides met at the top, forming the canyon’s cracked ceiling. Claustrophobics worst nightmare.

At that point, I was carefully observing my movements, my reactions, and overall the way I was thinking. I was told that nitrogen intoxication (sikir la3maq) have specific symptoms: You don’t think straight, you get dizzy, you’re reactions get slower, and you end up taking off your mask and regulator (oxygen) in frenzy. I feared that. That was why I had Sulaiman close, so I could have someone taking care of me in case I go crazy for a minute. On top of that, I was paying close attention to myself. That was also scary in itself. That you had to observe your ‘self’ and stop it from doing something crazy.

We went into the canyon, the guide first, followed by Aziz, then Mohammed, then Me, and then Sulaiman. Mohammed was slow, he was holding me back. At that time I was officially suffocating. I couldn’t breath. There was air coming in and out of my lungs, but for some reason it wasn’t registering, like I wasn’t getting enough air in. Somehow water got into my mouth and I swallowed.

I was drowning.

I should keep it together; I should pay attention to what I’m doing. I should all do that.. while suffocating. Also I shouldn’t cause any freak out. We’re in a narrow canyon; we’re nearing its end. We’re going up to its exit. Hold on a litte more. Wait your turn to exit. It’s finally my turn to go up. More water swallowed. Mohammed is too damn slow! I rush behind him.. and thats when I received a major kick from Mohammed’s fins. My mask goes off and I can’t see. Uncontrollably I start swallowing more water. I try to keep it cool and not freak out. I’m going up behind Mohammed, I’m swallowing even more water, I’m adjusting my mask, I try to navigate away from the sharp edges of the canyon, all that while suffocating and gasping for air. For one moment there I was ready to put an end to it all, shove them all and climb my way back to the surface and take in all the air and just BREATH IT ALL IN. But I couldn’t.

Mask is back on, we’re out of the canyon, the guide is checking on all of us. He’s checking on all of my 3 friends, and I’m just waiting for my turn to be checked on. It was just getting crazier and crazier. Imagine someone drowning, and is trying to be polite and wait for his turn to be checked on. That was me. Stupid. When it finally was my turn, I couldn’t keep together any longer; I raised my thumb pointing to the surface, while my other hand on my throat making the ‘kill/dead’ gesture, and started to kick my way up. The guide came rushing, and stopped me from acting on my own. I wanted to go up. I’m not kidding, I’m drowning, and I’m not getting enough oxygen! Maybe there is something wrong with the tank! I need oxygen! Get me out! yup I reached that point after many attempts to stay cool and act professional. I was held down in spite of all what I was feeling. I had to comply and stop in my place. I rested and took as many inhales as I could, air was rushing in and outta my lungs.

40 minutes later, we were sitting in a cafe that overlooked the beach. We were discussing what happened. The guide asked whether I had something to eat or not? That was one of the 2 possible reasons for what happened; I was diving on an empty stomach. The other reason was: I was too conservative with my tank. I tried to be economical and control my intake until I literally suffocated myself. I managed to prolong my tank’s life till I reached a point where I had too little oxygen in me to keep me going, that’s when I had my “Hyper ventilation.”

Lesson learned & Reaffirmed:

1- Have a great buddy around.
2- Eat properly before a dive.
3- Being polite could kill you sometimes.
4- Live, Learn, and don’t let bad experiences affect your future ones.


مجاناً : تيس
تيس عمره 7 شهور،أبيض بدون قرون أليف و مرح.خذه مجاناً بشرط واحد:لا تذبحه ولا تبيعه بل احتفظ به. 66111988

Free: Goat (male)

7 month’s goat, white, without horns, fun around the house. Take it for free, but under 1 Condition: Don’t kill it and don’t resell it. Just keep it. 66111988

A lot of heart in this little ad.



Remember this? Its the limited edition 1KD that was issued for the second anniversary of Kuwait’s liberation on 1993. Its almost 20 years for this 1KD. It was a gift from my grand mother (RIP). For more pictures click below.

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Times square failed bomber was a Muslim. They can’t seem to stress that enough, everwhere, the bomber was a Pakistani Muslim. A Muslim. They have the worst intetions, some of those papers. So Biased. Here is why I think some are biased: 

A Pakistani Muslim was behind the failed plot to bomb Times Square, and a Senegal Muslim was the first to report the smoking car, which contained the bombs, to the police, and helped stop the the whole thing.
Now guess which Muslim isn’t going to be mentioned nor given credit for helping the police on the media?

I hate that Bad Muslims always win the fights against the Good Muslims, and get to bask in the limelight of biased media.

Anyway here is a little interview they did with the Senegali Guy who helped the police, he’s a simple man with simple english. It’s an interesting read. Read the rest of this entry »


Who is Tommy Mottola?

Well he first and foremost, is Mariah Carey’s ex husband, this is the most interesting part of this person’s life as far as I’m concerned. But he is also many other things.

Once uppon a time he was the most powerful man in the music industry. He was the head of Sony’s music devision back in the late 1980’s till beginning of the 2000’s. He helped and/or discovered, developed,, raised to stardom, expanded, the following artists:

  • Mariah Carey
  • Ricky Martin
  • Shakira
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Jessica Simpson
  • Diana Ross
  • Beyonce
  • Marc Anthony
  • Gloria Estefan
  • Celine Dion

He is, as reports have suggested, connected with the Mafia, connected (had power over) with all the radio networks back in his heydays, and was the most influential man in the music industry, when the music industry was as big as the universe that is. The man had it all, and somehow lost it all, his powers I mean, not his wealth, coz he still is wealthy as hell.

Get this: He made SONY $1,000,000,000 richer with Mariah Carey alone. Celine have sold as much as Mariah.. 3alaikom le7sab.

He is the kind of guy that you can’t help but be disgusted and inspired by all at once! He is writing his memoirs. Lots of warms are going to crawl out of that piece of valuable writings, and I can’t wait to turn it’s pages!



For those, like me, who enjoy the blue amber and are looking for the blue amber misbahs, this is your chance. You can book your ticket for Dubai next weekend to attend  the October Dubai Jewellery week during 6-9th October 2010 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre and head directly to booth No. J27.

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