I just got this in an email. Click on the picture for a bigger version and read the articles! Funny in a weird way 😛

Thanks Taymoor


They struck the moon with 2 objects, an empty rocket hull and a spacecraft, and in return they got their proof. Water was found on the moon in large amounts.

I like the image google has up for this event and how the word google is written in water. Creative people. Read some bits I selected from the article here:

Suddenly, the moon looks exciting again. It has lots of water, scientists said Friday — a thrilling discovery that sent a ripple of hope for a future astronaut outpost in a place that has always seemed barren and inhospitable.

Experts have long suspected there was water on the moon. Confirmation came from data churned up by two NASA spacecraft that intentionally slammed into a lunar crater last month.

“Indeed, yes, we found water. And we didn’t find just a little bit. We found a significant amount,” said Anthony Colaprete, lead scientist for the mission, holding up a white water bucket for emphasis.

The lunar crash kicked up at least 25 gallons and that’s only what scientists could see from the plumes of the impact, Colaprete said.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who in 1969 made his historic Apollo 11 moonwalk with Neil Armstrong, was pleased to hear the latest discovery, but still believes the U.S. should focus on colonizing Mars.
“People will overreact to this news and say, `Let’s have a water rush to the moon,'” Aldrin said. “It doesn’t justify that.”



Sold! To the guy with 1,700,000KD bill

The Bvlgari shop (The shop only and not the brand itself) at AlSalhiya complex was sold for a whopping KD 1,700,000/-

Ya balash


^ Click on the picture for a bigger version.

I once was inspected by the Saudi border officials, and was asked to declare whether I had x rated videos on my laptop. I was asked to start up my laptop and show them what kind of videos I had on it. Upon asking the border official what kind of files he was looking for, he responded with “A7na shabab wen3aref ba3ath.” As funny as that may sound now, I wasn’t laughing then, and he was dead serious. Adding to the “maskharaness” of this whole situation, the gentleman didn’t have any clue how to use a Mac. He then went on and asked me to do my own search for nasty videos on my laptop. In my turn, I asked what word he would like me to do a search for, and thats when he finally felt silly, and let me go.

Thanks Fawaz




November 11, 1962

Sout Al-Kuwait is a civic lobby group protecting personal and social freedoms through the activation and preservation of the rights stipulated in the Kuwaiti constitution. The Group meets its target through organized media campaigns, public relations and direct communication with the Parliament member and other State decision makers. Since its establishment, the Group published several booklets and brochures providing simplified review of constitutional rights, their impact and importance, and their conflict with some of the current legislations – (available on www.soutalkuwait.com). Sout Al-Kuwait also participated in several exhibitions, rallies, and carnivals in an attempt to educate the youth about the Constitution articles and relate them to our daily lives. We lead several educational activities in schools, colleges and universities introducing students to concepts like citizenship, human rights, constitutional rights and encouraging their involvement in volunteer civic and social work.

One of our most important events is the celebration of the anniversary of the Constitution of Kuwait which was signed off by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem in November 11, 1962. This year we plan a grand carnival in front of the Kuwait Parliament (Sahat Al Irada). This event will be a collaborative effort by other NGOs and some civic groups. It is a family event filled with activities suitable to all ages and interests. There will be a special area for children and another for art and poetry national music band lead by Belal Al-Shami and many other outdoor activities. Participants will be taken through the amazing journey of the Constitution in a fun and friendly environment.

We hope that you and your family will join us celebrating the Constitution anniversary this year on Wednesday, November 11 in front of the Parliament from 5:30 to 10 pm

صوت الكويت مجموعة ضغط مدنية تسعى لحماية الحقوق الشخصية والعامة عبر حماية وتفعيل دستور دولة الكويت عبر التوعية الاعلامية والتواصل مع صانعي القرار في المجلس و الحكومة.

وقد أصدرت المجموعة العديد من الكتيبات والنشرات التي تقدم مادة مبسطة حول الحقوق الدستورية وأهميتها وتضارب بعض (www.soutalkuwait.com)القوانين مع تلك الحقوق.

كما شاركت المجموعة في العديد من المعارض واللقاءات والمهرجانات لتوعية الشباب بالدستور ومواده وأهميته في حياتنا اليومية. كما ادارت المجموعة الكثير من الفعاليات والانشطة التوعوية والتثقيفية في المدارس والجامعات لتعريف الطلبة والشباب بالدستور وحقوق الانسان وتشجيعهم على التطوع والعمل المدني.

ومن أهم فعاليات المجموعة الاحتفال بالذكرى السنوية لتوقيع المرحوم الشيخ عبدالله السالم على دستور 1962 والتي تصادف 11 من نوفمبر. وستقيم المجموعة هذا العام احتفالا كبيرا في ساحة الارادة بالتعاون مع العديد من جمعيات النفع العام ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنية. وسيتضمن الاحتفال العديد من الأنشطة التوعوية والترفيهية لكل أفراد الأسرة. اذ خصصنا جناح للأطفال وآخر للشعر والأدب وعرضنا مسيرة الدستور باسلوب مشوق لكل الأعمار في جو من المرح في الهواء الطلق وعلى أنغام الموسيقى الوطنية بقيادة فرقة بلال الشامي. لذا ندعوكم وجميع افراد عائلتكم مشاركتنا الاحتفال بذكرى توقيع الدستور هذا العام وذلك يوم الأربعاء 11 نوفمبر في ساحة الارادة أمام مجلس الأمة الكويتي من الساعة ٥:٣٠٠ مساءً الي الساعة ١٠ ليلا


Soccer Scene opening soon Kuwait avenues

Football fans you’re going to like this. Soccer scene is opening up a branch at the avenues.

About Soccer Scene:

“The Company prides itself on stocking the most extensive range of replica kits available, also boasting a comprehensive range of football boots, training equipment, everything for the goalkeeper, souvenirs and just about anything and everything the football player or fan could want”


Football Directa unveil awesome new look!

Our friends over at Football Directa are almost done with their new look and it looks very promising! They’ve been working hard for the past months to put together a totally new website, and it is almost done.

A meesage from Football Directa:

“We’re pleased to inform you that footballdirecta.com has finally transformed.

The official launch will be in December and our readers can now join and see our ad (animation) which is a sneak preview of the new footballdirecta website.

We hope we will meet our readers expectations.”

Visit them HERE


I just found out yesterday that it closed down. I think it’s location didn’t help, I think it would’ve had a longer run had it opened near the supermarket..


Hardee's Frisco burger is back in kuwait

it’s not my favorite burger, but I know that this is a pretty popular burger in Kuwait and has lots of fans. Well rejoice it’s back.

Thanks loco




Just got this picture from Ali telling me that souq Wajef is on fire.

Thaks Ali


Thanks Ali


While I was at Hilton AlMangaf I saw a couple of banners advertising a new thai restaurant that’ll open soon in the hotel. I didn’t think it was very smart to have 2 thai restaurants within the hotel, they already have the Blue Elephant.. So I asked the receptionist, and it turned out that the Elephant is going to be put down, and a new one is taking it’s place. The new one as you can see from the banner, is called Yin Yang, and they promise an authentic Thai food. (Wasn’t the Blue Elephant authentic enough?)

I asked her again, “Will the staff of Blue Elephant remain and work in this new restaurant?” And she said “yes the staff would remain unchanged,” and that it’s just a name change.

If what the lady said is true then I guess this is good news to those who liked the blue elephant. But seriously if you’re looking for a real good thai food (and can overlook the extreme modesty of the restaurant’s interiors), then you’ve got to try Oriental Cuisine. I reviewed it back in April.

Anyway, Yin Yang is opening on the 15th of this month.




Just spotted Friends Cafe in free zone located above Cafe Supreme.


Referee Massimo Busacca Urinates during a match in Qatar. Massimo Busacca is the same referee of champions league’s last final in Rome.

Thanks Roudan




I ordered one from amazon.com but I don’t know when I’m gonna receive it, especially since the Eid holiday is upon us and all. But then a couple of days ago I read in a comment that it’s available in Kuwait! so yeah.. I bought it.

The book is available at Virgin Marina mall, it’s for KD 9.5 and is only available in Hardcover.




dan brown the lost symbol released

Dan Browns’ The Lost Symbol is out today. I pre-odered it a long time ago and it is supposed to get shipped today. I can’t wait to get my hands on it!


Whitney debuts at #1

After countless turmoils Whitney Houston is back at #1 with over 300,000 albums sold on it’s first week.

It’s good to have her back.




9 Days for Eid's Holiday

According to AlRai tv the Eid’s holiday’s going to be a 9 days off whether the Eid takes place on Sunday or Monday.

Alvaro, your prayers have been answers.. kinda 😉

Thanks Om Hamoody


iPhone 3GS Exclusive Prices for Zain

Listen up if you’re thinking of buying the new iPhone 3GS. There is a huge cut in prices for the iphone at Euro Telecom (AlHatef Aloroby):

iPhone 3GS 16GB for KD 209
iPhone 3GS 32GB for KD 239
iPhone 3G 16GB for KD 149

To get this offer you have to:

Be a subscriber with Zain.
Have a Wiyana package (KD 9, 14, 19, 29 or the 49).
Get a Data plan.

There are 2 data packages:

KD 9 with 600 Kbps speed, 500MB monthly cap.
KD 14 with 7.2Mbps speed, 1GB monthly cap.

30 fils per MB if you exceed your limit.

If you’re not with Zain, the offer doesn’t apply. And it’s available only at Euro Telecom.

The best piece of news yet: It’s officially unlocked!

Update: iPhones are in store now.


Kuwait's Foreign Minister shuts Fisk Up

Do you remember the nasty article from ‘The Independent’ I posted weeks ago? The one where Robert Fisk attacked Kuwait ? Well, rejoice! An official letter was sent to the british newspaper by Kuwait’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohammed AlـSabah. Barrad chabdy to say the least!

From AlWatan:

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammed AlـSabah said here Wednesday that facts bearing testimony to Kuwait”s bountiful help to the world”s impoverished countries cannot be ignored. The minister made the remarks in response to a recent article written by Robert Fisk that was published on the Independent titled “Gulf War legacy flares as stingy Kuwait puts the squeeze on Iraq.”

He boasted that Kuwait was proud of being in the forefront of the countries that extends international aid to less fortunate nations and dismissed the labeling of Kuwait as “stingy.” In his letter to the editor of the Independent, the Kuwaiti foreign minister said: “I have read Mr. Robert Fisk”s article on Kuwait titled ”Gulf War legacy flares as ”stingy” Kuwait puts the squeeze on Iraq.” I must confess my great disappointment with its contents which can at best only be described as hostile, therefore a few remarks are in order to put the record straight.”

“Indeed those of you who are familiar with Kuwait quite well will undoubtedly agree that using hostile adjectives such as “stingy”, ”ruthless”, ”greedy”, ”stealing”, ”thieving” and ”mean” in describing my country are clearly baseless and fully unfounded.”

“We in Kuwait are proud and honored to be one of the leading countries when it comes to international assistance efforts in helping those countries that are less fortunate through our numerous contributions and grants undertaken by the Government of the State of Kuwait. This has been and will remain to be a cornerstone of Kuwaiti foreign policy since our independence.”

He went on to say: “Let me list just a few facts that highlight some of these efforts undertaken during the last three years only; Fact ـ According to the U.N. Millennium Development Goals report for 2005: The overall average Kuwaiti official development assistance is 1.31 percent of GNP which accounts for almost double the agreed U.N. target of 0.7 percent of GNP of advanced countries. To be sure, the average OECD”s rate is 0.46 percent of GNP which makes Kuwait”s generosity triple that of the most advanced economies.”

“Fact ـ since the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development was established back in 1961 to function as the venue through which the government of Kuwait extends foreign aid and assistance, Kuwait has extended numerous financial and technical assistance packages to more than 100 countries around the world totaling $14.5 billion.

“Fact ـ Some of the most recent efforts undertaken by the government was the creation of ”Decent Living Fund” in which Kuwait contributed $100 million as an emergency fund set up to help the less developed countries to address the issue of rising food prices. Furthermore, Kuwait has allocated $300 million towards the eradication of hunger and disease in Africa.

“Fact ـ In addition, H.H. the Amir of Kuwait has most recently called for the promotion and support of micro and medium sized projects in the Arab World by establishing a fund with a capital of $2 billion to which Kuwait contributed $500 million to kickـstart this fund (it”s worth remembering that all these generous initiatives were undertaken during a time of the unprecedented global economic crisis. Nevertheless, Kuwait has never missed the forest for the trees and remained committed in further fulfilling its international roles as a leader in foreign aid and assistance despite the current turbulent financial circumstances).

“Fact ـ Kuwait extended a helping hand to Lebanon by granting $300 million to assist in the reconstruction efforts following the Israeli aggression of 2006.

“Fact ـ Kuwait supported the Palestinians by extending a $500 million financial assistance of which $200 million was allocated for Gaza.”

He continued saying: “May I remind the author that facts are stubborn things. The aforementioned can hardly be construed as the actions taken by a ”stingy” government to use his wording.”

“So here begs a question; how can a country like Kuwait be remotely accused of malevolent intentions as stated by the author? Let me assure all your readers that Kuwait will never rest on its laurels in continuing to secure our advanced global position in assisting the needy.”

“It is also with privilege to note that there is no other country in the region that has sacrificed more than Kuwait in order to contribute in the historic task of the liberation of Iraq and its people from the despotic regime of Saddam Hussein.”

The article has also undoubtedly avoided a matter of critical significance to the maintenance of international law and order, namely the sanctity of Security Council resolutions, he noted.
States must not be allowed to pick and choose what resolutions, articles or items…etc they wish to implement as opposed to those they wish to ignore. By their very nature UN resolutions are sacrosanct and must be adhered to by all parties, he urged.

The underlining factor to Kuwait regarding the issue of reparations is, and has always been an issue of principle and never was, nor will be, an issue of money.

“It”s truly sad when people start to give credence to past accusations that have been thoroughly discredited by the facts. I am here specifically referring to the former Iraqi dictator”s lies that Kuwait was ”stealing” Iraq”s oil as a justification for invading a sovereign nation. The article has audaciously tried to victimize a ruthless dictator by indicating that Kuwait was ”thieving” oil from Iraq. Not only were these accounts an attempt at engaging in historic revisionism, but one also cannot help but ponder the motives behind such an argument.

“We must also pay special tribute to the new Iraq and its brotherly people. Iraq is undoubtedly one of the richest countries in the world in terms of heritage, culture and natural resources. As such, we in Kuwait are fully committed to the efforts of stabilizing and rehabilitating Iraq to enable its reemergence as a pivotal player of peace and security in the region; stemming from our priority to seek the construction of an ideal relationship with Iraq based on mutual respect and goodwill.”

“Finally, while it might be true that the Versailles Treaty contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler, I am certain that the Appeasement strategy at the Munich Conference of 1938 led to the outbreak of WW2. Perhaps going back to some history books is in order after all.”

Credit: Charts & Numbers


Fastest growing firm in the world

“Thanks to a big rise in the popularity of its Blackberry handsets, profits at RIM have grown 84% over the past three years, while its revenues have expanded 77%, and it has seen a total return of 45%.”

Can you imagine the amount of money the accessories companies are making?