

The soper grocery is in Hawally near Almuhallab Mall 😛

Thank you Fahad.


This entry was posted on Monday, April 21st, 2008 at 12:08 am

4 Responses to “Soper Market”

  1. INTER DE MILANO says:

    ketabaaat al baqaalaa ib sooooob 😛 ow 6aibaa ib soob ow bil 3araabiii ow Soper ib soob :Pp laa ow imsakeer ba3aad :Pp

  2. pumkinah says:

    y3nee esemha baqalat soooooper market 😛 leesh 7a6 7wali ?!! we know!! (duhhhhhhh)
    oo 6iba faj2aa leeeeeeesh ? hehehe

  3. TaLaL says:

    kaaaak .. maskeen 3enda motarjem English badlyat english .. 😛

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