Just got it from them:

يسر وزارة الخارجية، وبمناسبة قرب حلول عيد الفطر المبارك وموسم السفر، أن تعلن لمواطني دولة الكويت عن إطلاقها لخدمات تقنية نوعيّة مجانية وذلك ابتداءً من اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق7/9/2010

وإستجابةً للتطورات التقنية المتسارعة، وإسهاماً منها في التيسير على المسافرين من مواطني دولة الكويت ومراجعي بعثاتها في الخارج وسرعة تواصلهم مع السفارات، وفّرت وزارة الخارجية لمستخدمي أجهزة الـ I Phone ، الـ I Pad و الـ I Pod ميزة الإنزال المجّاني للبرنامج المعنون “Ministry of Foreign Affairs State of Kuwait” عن طريق الـAPP Store للإستفادة من تطبيقاته وخدماته المتعددة التي تُرشد المستخدم إلى البعثة الدبلوماسية المراد الوصول إليها وذلك عن طريق خدمة تحديد الموقع، إضافةً إلى عنوان البعثة الدبلوماسية (سفارة / قنصلية) وساعات دوامها الرسمي وهواتفها وبريدها الإلكتروني

كما إن من شأن البرنامج أن يُؤمِّن استلام مواطني دولة الكويت لآخر الإرشادات الخاصة بالسفر والأخبار والتنويهات الصادرة عن وزارة الخارجية، مما يكفل الإطلاع الفوري على المستجدات والإحاطة المباشرة بها، وذلك في سابقةٍ تُعد الأولى من نوعها على نطاق الخدمات المقدمة من وزارات الخارجية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
و تعد النسخة المطروحة نسخة تجريبية حيث يمكن لمستخدميها التواصل مع الوزارة عن طريق البريد الالكتروني “i.mofa@mofa.gov.kw ” في حال وجود اي ملاحاظات و اقتراحات بشان الخدمة.

Thumbs up, a good move by the ministry.


Yesterday we had Live Love Chocolate as our sweet after the fotoor, we’ve ordered 2 kind of molten cake, the first one was the chocolate molten cake and the other one called cheese molten cake, If you want to see both of them click the link below.

Attention: Since we’re still in Ramadan, mouth watering pictures are ahead.

Read the rest of this entry »


I’m Speechless.

Read the rest of this entry »


It going to cost you only KD 36,000 for a single tire, if you’re really looking for it then click HERE to go to Amazon.com




Zain's African Assets

Just got a phone call from them telling me they offer me a list of new numbers which begins with 909 for free and they will deliver it to my home thats because of the loyalty program, I’ve choose 90999x1x the X also the same number. Really thank you guys for giving me that gift.


الخدمة المدنية: في حال كان رمضان 30 يوم

Thanks Ahmad




According to Cinescape, it will be closed starting from today and resume its shows on the first day of Eid El Fitr.

Thanks Ahmad


Apple set a special event for tomorrow Sep. the first, It’s set to start at 8:00 PM,Kuwait time, and expected to announce a new iPod touch with two cameras and update the iPad software to iOS 4. Just stay tuned for the latest updates.


As expected they’ve just announced:

  • New iPod shuffle.
  • New iPod Nano.
  • New iPod Touch.
  • Apple TV


For those of you who’s diabetics or looking for a low calories chocolate after fotoor, Mr. Baker came up with a low calories chocolate which is made in Kuwait and supervised by Dr. Bader Naser-Allah.

It comes with three flavors, Light Milk chocolate, Dark Chocolate and Light crispy cream chocolate, I’ve tasted it and its tasty you can barely differentiate between the above one and any other good chocolate in the market.


At 360 mall for unknown reason.


They’ve just opened their branch in ground floor in Salhiya complex.

Thanks INM




Since we’re close to Eid alfeter inshallah we need to pay “Zakat alfeter” which you can pay it now online using your K-NET.

Moreover you can select other zakat type. Click HERE if you want to pay.

Thanks INM




Just noticed that Areo now comes with new flavors the above one is the dark chocolate and the below is the white chocolate. They are available in most of the co-ops across Kuwait.

Dont know if this is an old flavor or not, it comes also in caramel.

Thanks ANM


It was in the early 90’s the first branch was opened in Moscow.




Remember when Yousef posted about it a couple of months ago? Well a couple of days ago I had the chance to try them and the surpassed our expectations. They were really delicious and so tiny! The order comes with 30 Pcs, and cost KD 20 plus 250 fils if you want them delivered.

They came with a dip which is simillar to Wasabi’s Rock Shrimp dip. They are really perfect for group gatherings and ghabgas.

To order you can contact them on 22644440 – 55990505


And get used to it also.


Was checking Pink Girl blog and found out that it will open in the latest phase in the Avenues.

Thanks Ahmad


We used to have Alghanim Electronics in Mishref’s co-op for couple of years until las month they’ve decided to take out Alghanim and replaced by gift shop which called Gate of Gifts .. Don’t think this was a right decision for taking Alghanim electronics out.

Thanks HNM




Just found out one of the coolest Kuwaiti blog, it basically talks about any new Haba that is taking place here in Kuwait and also mentions each previous haba and if its still alive or were put out of it’s misery. Check it out HERE


According to Scope TV, They’ve just said that Zain’s Kuwait has ended up their relation with Bu Rashid service and even today I didn’t received from him any sms.


Got this from Zain:

عملاؤنا الأعزاء،
تود شركة زين أن تبلغكم بأنها اتخذت قرارا بقطع خدمة “بو راشد” الإخبارية لأسباب خاصة وعليه تنقل لكم الشركة بالغ أسفها واعتذارها عن ما حدث ، علما انه سيتم استرجاع قيمة اشتراك الأسبوع الحالي
مبارك عليكم الشهر

Thanks HNM