Someone I know had an accident the other day, He’s ok. And people have been repeating this one line a lot “The hell with the car, thank God he’s safe / 6iz bisayara ilmohim ohwa mafeeh shay”

I like having people say that, and I say that too sometimes, shows how much we care. But for argument’s sake, I’m gonna ask you this:

Don’t you think the person who is actually paying for the damages should be the only one using that phrase? And no one but that person should be allowed to say that?

Coz it doesn’t make sense, unless you’re going to say “Don’t worry about the car, I’m gonna buy you another one” only then you’re allowed to use that phrase, But till then, it should be restricted to parents and to whoever is actually paying.

PS: I use that phrase too (One of the many silly lines I hate to hear and use)




It’s Mishary’s birthday! Happy birthday o kil3am wenta bkhair ya Bo Abdullatif 😉


iPhone 3GS Exclusive Prices for Zain

Listen up if you’re thinking of buying the new iPhone 3GS. There is a huge cut in prices for the iphone at Euro Telecom (AlHatef Aloroby):

iPhone 3GS 16GB for KD 209
iPhone 3GS 32GB for KD 239
iPhone 3G 16GB for KD 149

To get this offer you have to:

Be a subscriber with Zain.
Have a Wiyana package (KD 9, 14, 19, 29 or the 49).
Get a Data plan.

There are 2 data packages:

KD 9 with 600 Kbps speed, 500MB monthly cap.
KD 14 with 7.2Mbps speed, 1GB monthly cap.

30 fils per MB if you exceed your limit.

If you’re not with Zain, the offer doesn’t apply. And it’s available only at Euro Telecom.

The best piece of news yet: It’s officially unlocked!

Update: iPhones are in store now.




Salad Girls

I don’t mean to upset any of you, I’m just curious.

SOME girls, a lot of girls actually, go to restaurants and only order a salad. They eat half of it and then push the dish and say “I’m full / tshabe3 sala6at’hom”. It happens a lot and it’s kinda funny. Why go to a restaurant and just eat a salad? Are you dieting? Let’s assume you are indeed dieting.. Why eat half of it? Is it really that filling?

I asked a girl and she said that she knows the “type”, she said that some girls do that coz they feel more attractive acting this way. She also said that some girls do that and then order a real meal when they get to home.

My friend told me that his colleague has been married for many years, But to this day when she wants to eat freely at a restaurant she has to be with a friend, if she were ever with her husband she always settle for a salad and tiny bites here and there. She says she’s too self conscious to eat what her heart desires when her husband’s around

I know a lot of girls who are not like that though, so don’t feel like I’m generalizing here. I just don’t understand.


25 Most misspelled english words

This is bad. This is what I get for totally depending on my laptop to correct my spelling.

take the test HERE


Kuwait's Foreign Minister shuts Fisk Up

Do you remember the nasty article from ‘The Independent’ I posted weeks ago? The one where Robert Fisk attacked Kuwait ? Well, rejoice! An official letter was sent to the british newspaper by Kuwait’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohammed AlÙ€Sabah. Barrad chabdy to say the least!

From AlWatan:

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammed AlÙ€Sabah said here Wednesday that facts bearing testimony to Kuwait”s bountiful help to the world”s impoverished countries cannot be ignored. The minister made the remarks in response to a recent article written by Robert Fisk that was published on the Independent titled “Gulf War legacy flares as stingy Kuwait puts the squeeze on Iraq.”

He boasted that Kuwait was proud of being in the forefront of the countries that extends international aid to less fortunate nations and dismissed the labeling of Kuwait as “stingy.” In his letter to the editor of the Independent, the Kuwaiti foreign minister said: “I have read Mr. Robert Fisk”s article on Kuwait titled ”Gulf War legacy flares as ”stingy” Kuwait puts the squeeze on Iraq.” I must confess my great disappointment with its contents which can at best only be described as hostile, therefore a few remarks are in order to put the record straight.”

“Indeed those of you who are familiar with Kuwait quite well will undoubtedly agree that using hostile adjectives such as “stingy”, ”ruthless”, ”greedy”, ”stealing”, ”thieving” and ”mean” in describing my country are clearly baseless and fully unfounded.”

“We in Kuwait are proud and honored to be one of the leading countries when it comes to international assistance efforts in helping those countries that are less fortunate through our numerous contributions and grants undertaken by the Government of the State of Kuwait. This has been and will remain to be a cornerstone of Kuwaiti foreign policy since our independence.”

He went on to say: “Let me list just a few facts that highlight some of these efforts undertaken during the last three years only; Fact Ù€ According to the U.N. Millennium Development Goals report for 2005: The overall average Kuwaiti official development assistance is 1.31 percent of GNP which accounts for almost double the agreed U.N. target of 0.7 percent of GNP of advanced countries. To be sure, the average OECD”s rate is 0.46 percent of GNP which makes Kuwait”s generosity triple that of the most advanced economies.”

“Fact Ù€ since the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development was established back in 1961 to function as the venue through which the government of Kuwait extends foreign aid and assistance, Kuwait has extended numerous financial and technical assistance packages to more than 100 countries around the world totaling $14.5 billion.

“Fact Ù€ Some of the most recent efforts undertaken by the government was the creation of ”Decent Living Fund” in which Kuwait contributed $100 million as an emergency fund set up to help the less developed countries to address the issue of rising food prices. Furthermore, Kuwait has allocated $300 million towards the eradication of hunger and disease in Africa.

“Fact Ù€ In addition, H.H. the Amir of Kuwait has most recently called for the promotion and support of micro and medium sized projects in the Arab World by establishing a fund with a capital of $2 billion to which Kuwait contributed $500 million to kickÙ€start this fund (it”s worth remembering that all these generous initiatives were undertaken during a time of the unprecedented global economic crisis. Nevertheless, Kuwait has never missed the forest for the trees and remained committed in further fulfilling its international roles as a leader in foreign aid and assistance despite the current turbulent financial circumstances).

“Fact Ù€ Kuwait extended a helping hand to Lebanon by granting $300 million to assist in the reconstruction efforts following the Israeli aggression of 2006.

“Fact Ù€ Kuwait supported the Palestinians by extending a $500 million financial assistance of which $200 million was allocated for Gaza.”

He continued saying: “May I remind the author that facts are stubborn things. The aforementioned can hardly be construed as the actions taken by a ”stingy” government to use his wording.”

“So here begs a question; how can a country like Kuwait be remotely accused of malevolent intentions as stated by the author? Let me assure all your readers that Kuwait will never rest on its laurels in continuing to secure our advanced global position in assisting the needy.”

“It is also with privilege to note that there is no other country in the region that has sacrificed more than Kuwait in order to contribute in the historic task of the liberation of Iraq and its people from the despotic regime of Saddam Hussein.”

The article has also undoubtedly avoided a matter of critical significance to the maintenance of international law and order, namely the sanctity of Security Council resolutions, he noted.
States must not be allowed to pick and choose what resolutions, articles or items…etc they wish to implement as opposed to those they wish to ignore. By their very nature UN resolutions are sacrosanct and must be adhered to by all parties, he urged.

The underlining factor to Kuwait regarding the issue of reparations is, and has always been an issue of principle and never was, nor will be, an issue of money.

“It”s truly sad when people start to give credence to past accusations that have been thoroughly discredited by the facts. I am here specifically referring to the former Iraqi dictator”s lies that Kuwait was ”stealing” Iraq”s oil as a justification for invading a sovereign nation. The article has audaciously tried to victimize a ruthless dictator by indicating that Kuwait was ”thieving” oil from Iraq. Not only were these accounts an attempt at engaging in historic revisionism, but one also cannot help but ponder the motives behind such an argument.

“We must also pay special tribute to the new Iraq and its brotherly people. Iraq is undoubtedly one of the richest countries in the world in terms of heritage, culture and natural resources. As such, we in Kuwait are fully committed to the efforts of stabilizing and rehabilitating Iraq to enable its reemergence as a pivotal player of peace and security in the region; stemming from our priority to seek the construction of an ideal relationship with Iraq based on mutual respect and goodwill.”

“Finally, while it might be true that the Versailles Treaty contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler, I am certain that the Appeasement strategy at the Munich Conference of 1938 led to the outbreak of WW2. Perhaps going back to some history books is in order after all.”

Credit: Charts & Numbers




A note from Mom:

“Mbarak 3alaikom elshahar. This is a very easy recipe and suits every occasion. I like to bake this cake when I have a gathering; it goes well with tea or hot milk. I have one thing to say if you’re going to use this recipe: Bake it yourself! o 3alaikom bil3afya 🙂 “

If you’re fasting: Beware, Mouthwatering pictures ahead.
Read the rest of this entry »


Lgaima sweets is a home business all about mini basbosas. The last time I wrote about them, their basbosas were good, but not great, but then I had their basbosas on more than one occasion over the last few months, and let me tell you that there was a great improvement in texture and taste; they mastered it.

Warning if you’re fasting: Mouthwatering pictures ahead.
Read the rest of this entry »


Miss Piggy The Kuwaiti Version1


Fastest growing firm in the world

“Thanks to a big rise in the popularity of its Blackberry handsets, profits at RIM have grown 84% over the past three years, while its revenues have expanded 77%, and it has seen a total return of 45%.”

Can you imagine the amount of money the accessories companies are making?



I was invited by friends the other day to go to Jaber stadium, to take pictures of the first match to take place there. Ofcourse it’s an unofficial match between friends, but nevertheless, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

The stadium is big and beautiful (I thought it would be bigger though), plenty of parking space and many gates to let the cars in, and many ticket kiosks scattered around the parking area. I think they did a good job avoiding future congestions.
Read the rest of this entry »


We wanted to try out some perfumes in the duty free shop at Sharm AlSheikh’s airport, But being in Egypt we should’ve known better, nothing is for free over there. Not even the free testers!

They removed their upper parts, and in some cases, removed the whole bottle from the shelves and kept the caps only!

You wanna to try it? You gotta sniff it!


Dahab is a town an hour away from Sharm AlSheikh, and it is world famous for having one of the best diving spots in the world. The Blue hole and the Canyon are one of the best spots I’ve ever been to. I shot this video above as I was entering the canyon. It was breathtaking!


Office depot now open

The first Office Depot in Kuwait is now open at the avenues phase II near au bon pain and also near the soon to be opened Fantasy world.

Thanks Om Hamoody


This video reminded me of this other video Check it out. Notice the guy in the middle.

Thanks Taymoor


Do you remember my post about painting with light? It’s all about having a camera where you control it’s shutter speed, a torch and some creativity. check out my old post, it was fun.

Well now a french designer, Aissa Logerot, designed a torch that look like a spray can for an added graffiti-effect. I think it’s very clever!

Thanks Amani


taking pictures under water in Kuwait kubbar

I’m done with the Nitrox course and ready for Sharm AlSheikh, I also tried to use a camera underwater for the first time. I used my brothers digital camera and I have to say that I need a lot of practice! It’s extremely hard to take decent shots down there. You have no control over the distance between you and the thing you’re trying to shoot, no control over the lighting, and I can’t see the thing I’m shooting through the LCD screen! it’s pretty fuzzy down there.
Read the rest of this entry »


Nitrox and Sharm Al Sheikh

I’ll be going to Sharm Al Sheikh on saturday for diving. I’ve never been there but heard some good stuff about it. We’re going to see some old sunken ships, wreck diving, and I’m taking my brother’s digital camera so I could take pictures for you guys.

Since it’s sharm, I’ll be needing more time under water than I usually need, but as you may or may not know, longer times need longer breaks in between the dives, not to mention the awful side effects normal tanks cause…

So, I’m back at Bubbles diving center and taking a Nitrox class. The term Nitrox refers to the air we use in the tank. Usually we use a normal tank which includes 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. Nitrogen causes headaches and exhaustion and also reduces the dive’s time, but with this Nitrox, which is again a mix o gases, there is more oxygen (oxygen up to 32 or 36%), which reduces these unwanted side effects, and provide for longer dives and shorter breaks.

I just took the theory class today and will be diving this weekend using Nitrox for the first time.


iDive for iPods and iPhones

It’s a water proof case for iPods or iPhones, it can be used down to 90 meters. I’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time, and I know some of my friends have been waiting too, but now that it’s here, I can’t decided whether it’s practical and worth it’s price or not. It’s $350.



New addition to the blogroll

We’ve just added a veteran blogger to the blogroll. It is the immensely talented, 1001Nights. I wrote about this particular blogger more than once, and I think her blog is unique and could be looked back at one day as the starting point of a great Kuwaiti author. Welcome 1001Nights.