Zain Create album for KD 1.400

Zain Create have made some changes to their pricings, and now you can buy a whole album, legally, for KD 1.400. I have downloaded an album before and thought the sound files’ quality are superb.

Thanks Nasser


How to handle unsatisfied customers

We went to AlHambra restaurant at the Sheraton the other day. We had a very bad experience over there. Something major went wrong with the dessert so we called the manager. He handled the problem in the worst way possible, I decided to leave the place and head back home, but my friend was so offended by the way he was treated that he stayed and took the problem to a higher level, then higher, till he reached the general manager.

At that point I was peacefully at home getting ready to sleep. My phone rang as I was getting into bed, and there was my friend telling me the following:

“I told the GM about the problem, and how they handled it, and he was more than great with me, he solved the problem, made feel better and just before leaving he insisted that I accept his offer. You won’t believe his offer.”

Me: What offer?

“He told me that you and your friend are invited to stay for 2 nights at one of the hotel’s suites, either at the 4 points or the Sheraton itself! We chose!”

Me: What!!?

“Even when I told him I’m not sure my friend would accept, he said that he is ready to pick the phone and call you and insist that you accept the offer! he asked for your phone number too”

We’re not decided whether we should accept this offer, but aside from that, isn’t that what all managers should do when a customer isn’t satisfied? I don’t mean every restaurant should get their unsatisfied customers a suite 😛 but just be professional about it, go that extra mile and show the people that you care and want to retain them as customers, for life!

They messed up big time, AlHambra and even the Sheraton’s image got shaken that day, but the way they ultimately handled the situation got me sucked right back in.

What do you say? Accept the offer or make a point by not accepting?



My friend just sent me pictures of The Noodle House restaurant that is opening in place of Big Al’s, near Johnny Carinos.

This is the best chinese restaurant I’ve ever been to, we used to go eat there religiously when we were studying in the UAE.
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Finding Perfect Medium in Most unexpected place

I just came back from Mishref’s Applebees and I’m stuffed. I just ate the perfect Medium Fajita ever!

I don’t usually bother eating at apple bees let alone order a steak dish, But there was no other option (My friend refused to go anywhere outside Mishref). Anyway. When the waitress asked me how I like my steak, I didn’t know what to say, Asking for a medium steak at apple bees is like asking somone to find a humble Kuwaiti; it is impossible. But I thought I’d give it a try..

Glenda: How do you like it to be cooked?

Me: I want a medium steak, but that is impossible to achieve in Kuwait, no one in here serve the steak as requested, in fact, I’ve been to most of Kuwait’s steak-serving restaurants and none brought me a medium steak (Gaucho did a couple of times). Look, I dare you to bring me a medium fajita.

Glenda: *stares at me* Ok I’ll talk to the chef.

My friend at that moment told me “lo 6ag’ha ib bo6ol il ketchup wayid abrak”

But guess what? My speech did it’s magic and I was served the best fajita ever! You know those picture perfect sliced steaks? the dark from the inside then gray from the outside.. That was exactly what I was served and it tasted extremely good.

I would’ve never guessed that of all places, I’d find the perfect medium steak at Apple bees.


Om Kalthoom Exhibition at 360° Mall

Remember the Oum Kalthoom Exhibition that took place in Bahrain? Well it’s going to take place in Kuwait soon, on the 8th of July at the new 360° Mall to be specific. It’s going to last for awhile so no rush, but you gotta pass by it if you’re ever there, especially the photo gallery, take a look at them. I like looking at old pictures so I really enjoyed them back in Bahrain.

Thanks Bo9ale7


guess who obsessed

Who is that person???
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Done with Advance Diving Course

I went yesterday to my last diving class for the Advance course I’m taking at Bubbles. It was a night dive. We left the marina at 6:15 and returned sometime around 8:30. It was a 40 minutes dive, I didn’t consume much of my tank, which proved that I was getting better and better at controlling my breathing and that I’m not having a hard time navigating under water.

The night dive is more relaxed than the other dives, and it also kinda humbles you, especially when you get to see the sea creatures, the icky and the marvelous ones. The colors at night are more pronounced, less blue, more natural tones.

As I told you earlier, I’m now done with my advance diving course. I learned the following new things in this course:

1-Navigate using a compass.
2-Natural navigation: The use of compass or observing natural marks and counting steps, so I could dive and come back to my starting point all by myself.
3-Drift diving: as the name suggests; Diving in a drift, go with the flow, which is pretty basic.. and soothing!
4-Search and rescue: How to search for a lost item/person in the sea.
5-Deep diving: We dove to 35 meters under water.
6-And the night dive.

With all that done, I’m now unofficially an advanced diver till I get my license, which is soon 🙂

This diving thing got me hooked. I don’t know why but it feels like this is something that should’ve happened long time ago, I’m enjoying it a bit too much.




im addicted324

I bought this box of chewing gum a couple of weeks ago for my friends at the chalet, and I can’t get enough of them ever since. I finished the first batch and now I’m half way through the second one 😛

It also brings back so many memories!




I’d pay to see them pranking the wrong guy and being taught a lesson. Especially the guy with the annoying laugh!

Thanks Hussain


For the full version either click on the picture or HERE, it’s in pdf format.

Thanks Taymoor


According to Bu Rashed, Americana is going to reopen Wimpy fast food joints throughout Kuwait. It’s not comfirmed yet, but wouldn’t that be cool? I don’t remember wimpy in it’s prime but people say, including my father, that it was the IT place back in the day.

Thanks Fahad


Centre Point's Mens Shirts

I parked right infront of Centre Point Fahaheel when i finished from the diving class, and passed by twice before going in. I was looking for shorts, I don’t go there usually because the place isn’t as inviting as other places are, especially the Fahaheel branch. But I’m glad I went in this time.

Guys the shirts in there are very colorful and summery. Funky is a more suitable word, and they’re dirt cheap! Most cost less than 4 KDs, one of them was only 2 KDs! I ended up with 6 shirts for less than 23 KDs. I didn’t know I was a 7azra that much 😛

They’re extra cool. I wouldn’t wanna miss out if I were you.


Michael Jackson Dies!

This is shocking, but according to TMZ, The legend that is Michael Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest and has just died. He was only 50 years old.

Rest of the article:

“We’ve just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

We’re told one of the staff members at Jackson’s home called 911.

La Toya ran in the hospital sobbing after Jackson was pronounced dead.

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince “Blanket” Michael Jackson II.

Story developing…”


Thanks INM


Mariahs new album MOAIA

Mariah Carey released her first single “Obsessed” a week or so ago, it’s off of her new album “Memoirs of an imperfect angel.” The song took some time to grow on me. I think it’s fun, relatively brave and confrontational for Mariah, as she used to be subtler at her jabs in the past.

I think the new album is going to be very good and I’m kinda hopeful that it’ll have better vocals than E=MC² (her previous album). But the album cover is disappointing to say the least, I mean it just looks wrong.. and IMO she could’ve been much more interesting visually.

The new album Memoirs of an imperfect angel is going to drop on the august 25th 2009.


Just got this via email from Bechara:

The design incorporates high end indoor entertainment facilities that are expected to raise the volume of visitors by at least half a million visitors per year.
It will be divided into 3 major zones: INFUNITY, THE BOWL ROOM and THE FREEZE CLUB.

“The Bowl Room”, with an area of 2 576 m², is offering 20 high-tech bowling alleys along with a VIP section bowling alley to accommodate guests’ special needs.

“The Freeze Club”, with an area of 1 500 m², is targeting the teenagers’ generation with a range of entertainment offers that have been tailored to suit their taste with electronic games, soccer network games, internet area and many more.

“Infunity”, with an area of 5 000 m², is specialized for the family. It includes a series of unparalleled trend-setting rides, ranging from a Roller Coaster, Disko, Top Dancer and indoor go cart. As well as offering skill redemption games, driving, shooting simulators, wall climbing, performance stage, foam factory and many more. We will also have events and birthday party facilities available.

Thanks Bechara
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I’ve always had a hard time keeping the books open for me to read, and since I prefer reading the book while in bed, I find it extra hard to keep the book open with my hand holding the book above me.

I searched amazon for a solution and got out with this little book holder/spreader. It arrived 2 days ago and I’ve tried it and so far, it’s working like a charm. It keeps the paperbacks open and has a good firm grip too. I can easily read a book now without struggling to keep the papers from closing in, and also without straining my palm to keep the papers apart.

The product isn’t perfect and it’s got some flaws:

-It won’t handle big books, or real thick ones.
-It’s a bit hard trying to flip the pages. It needs getting used to.
-The color sucks.

But overall, it does what it is made for.



I finished my beginner course on saturday and the only thing left is to have the written exam to get my diving license for beginners. After finishing my course I looked up full face snorkel mask reviews, to find the best snorkel mask for myself.

Lets begin with the review. This time I’ll divide the review to parts and talk about each part separately. There is going to be 5 parts: Safety, Professionalism, Atmosphere, Fun and overall satisfaction.
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I had my first backstab experience at work today. At first I was kind of shocked, but then that subsided and I’m left with disgust. I don’t feel betrayed, coz the backstabber had no grounds for their accusation, but I’m just amazed at some people’s ability to do such things.. Froid needs to study this person.

Have you ever been backstabbed at work? How did you deal with it?



You’ve got to check this website, it has people from all over sending in funny text messages they got from people they know. The word funny is used loosely here, but they’re interesting for sure.






I went to Nino today, I ordered the fondoto* (which is a starter only available at their gulf road branch, that consist of spinanch, prawns, mushrooms, and fondoto sauce (cream sauce) gratinated and topped with parmesan cheese.) and then their angus certified steak for the main course. I told the waiter twice that I want a medium steak, not a well-done, not a medium-well, but a medium! twice! He brought it over to our table, it looked weird and flat, as in hammered flat (It looked, felt and tasted like a big round burger). I cut it and it was a well done. I called the waiter and complained, he couldn’t believe it coz he said he made sure to tell the chef himself. I said no problem, just replace the steak and this time I want a medium. He goes with my dish, returns 5 minutes later with another well done.

Now I got upset, I called the manager and he came over all nice and smiley and I said I’ve got one question and I need a one word answer. just one word, either yes or no. Does this look like a medium steak to you? He wanted to talk so I interrupted him “Either yes or no.” He then take a closer look and said No this is a medium well.

I asked him to take it off the bill coz I refuse to pay for something I did not order and he did. He was very apologetic too, which is good, made me less upset. But then he called the chef over. The chef came over and he was trembling. I don’t know what happened back in the kitchen for him to come out shaking like that (even my friend noticed. It was weird), and I asked him the same question, is it a medium steak *pointing at the steak* and he said Yes this is a medium steak. So I said ok I have nothing else to say to you, if we couldn’t agree on something this obvious, then there is not point in arguing. But that didn’t stop him. He kept telling me that this is how “their medium looks like” and then branched out to explain about their streaks and (read this carefully) how they Hammer the steaks, yes they hammer them just like a scallop, to make them look larger, and that is why it looks like this. After arguing a bit over how they’re not supposed to hammer a steak, and him not caring for what I had to say, I gave up. Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t know what hammering the steak got to do with it being overcooked, but at that point I was just nodding him off.

I hate it, just HATE it when I get an over cooked steak after asking them clearly and repeatedly NOT to do so in advance. And this isn’t their first time to screw up a meal.