This is totally disgusting! The way he dug in, picked it and then put it in his mouth. But Hilarious!


This has got to be the coolest way to get rid of your old iPhone. Now all I need is an old iPhone and a big weird ‘death ray’ lens!

How about we do some experiment with your new one, Hamad?




What do you see in this picture? I saw a lake at first!

A lady was looking to rent her house, so she took this picture for the potential renters, and they were excited to see a lake infront of the house, but to their disappointment, the lady contacted and told them: “unfortunately that is not a lake, it is a wall“



And this is how you do it when you’re out in the summer, have an egg, and hungry!

Thanks YAC MAN


His name is Hikakin, a young Japanese guy who used both his mouth and nose to perform a melody of Super Mario Bros. I think it’s outstanding.

Thanks Ahmad


A snake comes out during an interview with Salma Hayek for her new movie “Grown Ups.” Her reaction in the video above is priceless!

Thanks Bader




I’ll be leaving today to Qatar! I don’t know why Qatar, especially in this hot weather, but I’ve been wanting to go there ever since Intlxpatr started posting about it.. and since I don’t get to have a real vacation this summer, Qatar sounded real good to me and my friends.

I know nothing about the country, I’ll be collecting information from here and there. My friend intlxpatr gave me some valuable info about places to go and see, and I had them saved on my mobile. If you know any good places to visit in Qatar PLEASE do tell! I’m gonna need everything you know about the country. I’m going to be there for the weekend only and ofcourse will be posting about it when I get back.

I’m Not Going!

Bad luck at it’s best! I was informed just 3 hours before the take off that I had some work related stuff to do, and I have to work on it during the weekend coz the deadline is on Sunday at 8 am.. Woohoo! 👿 I just hate it when I prepare myself for something and have it taken away from me just like that!

P.S. The nice friends of mine are now boarding the plane. How nice the situation that I’m in is, huh?

P.P.S. The plane got delayed, then almost took off without them.



Thye dont care about any copy rights!

Via FB


This guy want to be the first guy ride the largest rideable three wheeled which made from monster truck tire.




As the weather starts to heat up and wildlife begins to wake up, it’s best to be prepared for anything that may try to invade your home.

Nearly everyone and everything enjoys the spring weather, but there is one creature that can definitely ruin the experience.

The phrase “ants at a picnic” exists for a reason, but it turns out there are worse things — like ants in your home. Don’t worry; there are ways to keep these tiny creepy crawlies out of your home and yard.

Here are seven quick tips on how to get rid of ants from your kitchen to your yard.

don't let ants ruin your picnic

1. Track Them Down: Find Out Where They Are Coming From

If you do discover some tiny segmented invaders in your pantry or kitchen, the first thing you should do is find out how they got in. Check areas ants frequent or places they might appear.

Watch where they go and try to see where these little pests are coming from. Some common areas you will find ants include damp areas, like under sinks. Soft spongey areas beneath plumbing or leaks can be a draw. Check out these fuze bug reviews.

Check the framing and flooring, especially around windows, doors, and vents. Other areas besides kitchens ants frequent include attics, bathrooms, and walls. Do some recon and find out where these pests are coming in so you can seal up any possible openings.

2. Erase Ant Trails

Maybe you’ve only spotted one ant. Well, be wary; a single ant is usually sent out to scout. If you see one, don’t panic. However, if you do spot one invader, there are bound to be others.

Stop them from casing the place by shutting down the scout teams. Ants typically leave behind a trail for other ants to follow. To put an end to this, you’ll need to create a solution to erase it completely.

Creating a solution is simple. Mix one-part vinegar with three parts water and you have a safe, non-toxic way to erase ant trails.

3. Baits and Traps

Unfortunately, it may be too late to cut-off the scout team. Don’t worry; there are other methods you can use to stop them. One easy solution is using baits and traps.

These over-the-counter killers are usually sold in small containers that you can place just about anywhere. Since they are sealed, they are less dangerous than sprays. However, it’s a good idea to keep them out of reach from animals and children.

You can stick these little traps wherever you see activity:

  • Cabinets
  • Countertops
  • Dinks
  • Under the stove
  • Drains
  • Pipes and cables
  • Bathrooms
  • Medicine cabinets

If you are using traps, the ants will go inside and won’t come back out. If you are trying out the bait, resist the urge to squash. Ants will take the bait back to their colonies and destroy it from within. Either method can be effective in getting rid of these pests for good.

4. Keep Things Clean

When ants work their way inside your home, they are on the lookout for one thing: food. The best thing you can do is make sure they aren’t robbing your pantry blind. After meals and cooking, clean things as thoroughly as possible. Wipe counters and floors down, and wash dishes regularly.

Store your food, including pet food, in sealed containers. Try not to leave any uneaten food out and keep meals contained in one or two rooms. If you cut off their food source, the ants will look elsewhere for their free meals.




For all Mario kart lovers and fans, now you can play it with RC cars. Its available on the Amazon Japan.




With the above picture?

Thanks Ahmad


She had her first tattoo at the age of 35 and spent the past 20 years covering the rest of her body with tatoos which occupy 95% of her body. All these tatto was done by one single artist.

More Weird Pictures




If  …





Then …



We saw it in Om AlMaradim Island. Don’t you just love the name?! You gotta love this guy and his amazing Aunt (or) Mother in law!


Along with the little fireplace we built in the chalet we built an outdoor oven for our baking needs. The oven is a little one and wouldn’t fit large stuff as the oven opening is a little small. But hey we managed..

Once it was done, my cousin brought all the stuff needed to bake: Pizzas, Cheese Fateyer and Za3tar. The outcome was really good for first timers! The only problem I think (putting aside the so so pizza sauce and cheese) was the dough, it was perfect for little baked stuff, but not for the big ones (ya3ny 6a3amha kan mal mo3ajanat z’3ar shi’3il bait) that little thing should be solved as we continue our trials Look at the all the pictures



Thanks Ahmad


Don’t we all agree..





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This guy wanted to live his life faster so he started taking daily pictures of himself for 8 years.