A Tai Jutsu Kai self defense lesson where the instructor incorporate traditional clothes (3gal) into the lesson.

More videos by instructor Ahmad AlHouli:
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Video #4

Thanks Hussain


For those of you who’s diabetics or looking for a low calories chocolate after fotoor, Mr. Baker came up with a low calories chocolate which is made in Kuwait and supervised by Dr. Bader Naser-Allah.

It comes with three flavors, Light Milk chocolate, Dark Chocolate and Light crispy cream chocolate, I’ve tasted it and its tasty you can barely differentiate between the above one and any other good chocolate in the market.


At 360 mall for unknown reason.




Maryam Al Joan will be the first Kuwaiti woman to visit Antarctica. She will be representing the Kuwaiti science club on an expedition sponsored by Viva in february. She is currently studying at earth and space sciences in Bremen, Germany and she is expecting to graduate next year. We wish her the best of luck and for her to enjoy her learning experience and have a safe return home.

Maryam Al Joan’s Blog

Article in english

Thanks Fahad²


They’ve just opened their branch in ground floor in Salhiya complex.

Thanks INM




Since we’re close to Eid alfeter inshallah we need to pay “Zakat alfeter” which you can pay it now online using your K-NET.

Moreover you can select other zakat type. Click HERE if you want to pay.

Thanks INM


During Ramadan we have Ghabgas every week, and sometimes twice a week, people always struggle with the menu, deciding the dishes is always the hardest thing to do. I had in mind that once it’s our turn, I would scrap all the dessert dishes and only include one dish, the knafa from knafa 3albal. I mean bala elkharabee6 ely malaina minhom and get back to basics.. People love knafa, and when its served hot and fresh it basically rules.

Read the rest of this entry »


I was invited today to the testings of Viva’s new 4G Network capabilities, unfortunately I couldn’t make it, but I was told a lot of bloggers were invited to the Viva event along with news reporters. The technology being tested could take up the internet speeds in Kuwait up to incredible new heights, we’re talking 160MBPS+. I personally can’t wait till prices drop further and super fast internet speeds are available to everybody.

Also worth mentioning that Zain has started similiar tests a couple of weeks back. Read.

Thanks Fahad²


And get used to it also.


Was checking Pink Girl blog and found out that it will open in the latest phase in the Avenues.

Thanks Ahmad


We used to have Alghanim Electronics in Mishref’s co-op for couple of years until las month they’ve decided to take out Alghanim and replaced by gift shop which called Gate of Gifts .. Don’t think this was a right decision for taking Alghanim electronics out.

Thanks HNM




Just found out one of the coolest Kuwaiti blog, it basically talks about any new Haba that is taking place here in Kuwait and also mentions each previous haba and if its still alive or were put out of it’s misery. Check it out HERE


According to Scope TV, They’ve just said that Zain’s Kuwait has ended up their relation with Bu Rashid service and even today I didn’t received from him any sms.


Got this from Zain:

عملاؤنا الأعزاء،
تود شركة زين أن تبلغكم بأنها اتخذت قرارا بقطع خدمة “بو راشد” الإخبارية لأسباب خاصة وعليه تنقل لكم الشركة بالغ أسفها واعتذارها عن ما حدث ، علما انه سيتم استرجاع قيمة اشتراك الأسبوع الحالي
مبارك عليكم الشهر

Thanks HNM


Mubarak 3alaikom alshahar, they’ve just announced it.


Old is Gold, Do you remember it?


When Singore Sassi first opened in Kuwait we loved it. I even praised it in one of my reviews. It was a great new italian restaurant on the Kuwaiti scene. Unfortunately, as is the case with every Americana owned restaurant, quality control and food’s quality overall isn’t one of their concerns, and they let this amazing italian restaurant spiral down as the days went by.

It’s a shame in my opinion. I’ve been giving it a lot of chances, 3 chances actually in the past 2 months and it has failed to serve a decent meal in all of the last 3 visits. Today, we had it with the place, the last straw as they say, we’re done and aren’t going back there.

  1. It was with the risotto fungi which is a dish we used to enjoy at Sassi’s. Today it tasted like it was something off a magi ready made mix.
  2. It was with one of Sassi’s special dishes, the grilled sole fillet. It tasted weird. I don’t know how to describe it, but you know how a tea-soaked biscuit comes a part when lifted? it was like that. It wasn’t fresh.
  3. I left a comment card and the manager called me as we were leaving the parking area. In his apology speech he mentioned that the sole was indeed not-so-fresh, as they’ve changed their source and their attempts to get fresh fish all failed. They’re planning to take it off the menu because of the complaints and the ‘unfreshness’ issue. They had me order eat and pay for this unworthy dish that they all knew had to be taken off the menu.

The 3 points above were only regarding today’s visit. I think 3 chances, hoping that things would turn around, are more than enough. Evidently they don’t care enough to maintain a certain standard when it comes to food quality, and they probably think we have tongues made out of rubber and can’t tell the difference between good food and bad food.

What a shame.




It seems that Vimto’s management here in Kuwait liked Apple’s latest policy with the iPhone that its not allowed to buy more than 2 iPhone/person .. Yes since we’re close to Ramadan they allow buying only two bottles per person of Vimto here in any Co-Op.




We got a message from Fahad² saying Fatburger is now open, and that they’re serving everything free of charge. My friends and I wanted to try it out, but we hesitated thinking it’d be packed since it’s their first day and that everything was free. We worried we’d find a huge line and end up wasting the rest of the day waiting. We ended up going there anyway. There was no line and the place was about 50% full.

This is my first time at Fatburger. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, sit at a table and wait for the waiter? Go and order from the counter? I wasn’t sure, so I let my friend lead the way, and he led us to the counter. We ordered and waited at the table.

The waiters were extremely welcoming and enthusiastic, which was fun. Even when they yelled our orders as we were heading to the table. They do that, they get your order and yell it out to the rest of the team, and then all the team yell it right back. It was kinda awkward coz I ordered the double fatburger and everybody got to know about it. But then again they yelled everyone’s order.. many people got the double fatburger, which made me less self conscious 😛

Anyway, here is the deal. I don’t want to sound harsh. I seriously don’t. But I found the burger.. OK. The burger was nice, the bun was cold, the relish stood out with the mustard, and the mayo was bland. It overall didn’t meet my expectations. It’s better than Fudds’s, better than most places with burgers, but doesn’t come close to Johnny’s. Thats what I thought. Don’t get me wrong, I’d go there again, I enjoyed it, didn’t fall in love with it though.. I thought it was a nice juicy burger.

The fries was ok, too. I’d wait for the chili cheese fries since it was marked ‘coming soon’ on the menu. Oh, and there was a little problem mistake with the burgers, some were over seasoned, and turned out salty, and some were under-seasoned and lacked salt. Considering they’re still pretty new and have just opened, mistakes like these shouldn’t take long to be corrected and mastered.

The highlight was the Vanilla Milkshake. It rocked. Took me by surprise actually. I loved it and thought it was worth driving to Mahboola even if you weren’t in the mood for burgers.

We had a little chat with the owner, Mr. Nawaf, who was extremely nice and polite even when we criticised some of the things we ate. He explained that their Vanilla shake is made from a Kuwait made vanilla icecream. The icecream is brought over from 360’s Life with Cacao (same owners). Which really made sense to me, since I’ve had their vanilla icecream when I went there, and I completely and utterly loved it. I kept praising and recommending it to whoever is going there, coz it was perfect. Actually I was surprised that such an amazing icecream was made in Kuwait. You have to try it. Hat’s off to you guys for this amazing recipe.

To wrap things up, their burger is good, many of you will love it, I’ve had better in Kuwait, but overall it was a nice change.

Fatburger is now open everyday from 5pm to midnight. They’re located in Mahboola at Spoons food mall.


Eating healthfully and having an active lifestyle can support healthy aging. Use the resources below to learn about different patterns of healthy eating and ways to create a nutritious meal plan. Check the latest exipure reviews.

If a couple is having problems in other areas of their relationship, their sex life may be affected. Why not try using great products like True Pheromones to build good relationship and to achieve sexual heath benefits!

Some medical conditions and medications can affect a person’s desire for sex which can be reanimated by using tools like this hands free vibrator reviews. Treatment for a lowered libido can include treating an underlying medical condition, hormone therapy, stress management and counselling.

Older adults’ unique nutrition needs

Simple adjustments can go a long way toward building a healthier eating pattern. Follow these tips to get the most out of foods and beverages while meeting your nutrient needs and reducing the risk of disease:

Infographic, Tips To boost Your Health As You Age. Click link for full infographic
Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that may help foster healthy aging.
  • Enjoy a variety of foods from each food group to help reduce the risk of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium.
  • To get enough protein throughout the day and maintain muscle, try adding seafood, dairy, or fortified soy products along with beans, peas, and lentils to your meals. Learn more about protein and other important nutrients.
  • Add sliced or chopped fruits and vegetables to meals and snacks. Look for pre-cut varieties if slicing and chopping are a challenge for you.
  • Try foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as some cereals, or talk to your doctor about taking a B12 supplement. Learn more about key vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce sodium intake by seasoning foods with herbs and citrus such as lemon juice.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help stay hydrated and aid in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Avoid sugary drinks.

It can be hard for some people to follow through on smart food choices. Read about common roadblocks and how to overcome them and check out the USDA’s tips for older adults.

Meal planning

Answering the question “what should I eat?” doesn’t need to leave you feeling baffled and frustrated. In fact, when you have the right information and motivation, you can feel good about making healthy choices. Use these tips to plan healthy and delicious meals:

  • Plan in advance. Meal planning takes the guesswork out of eating and can help ensure you eat a variety of nutritious foods throughout the day.
  • Find budget-friendly foods. Create a shopping list in advance to help stick to a budget and follow these SNAP-friendly recipes.
  • Consider preparation time. Some meals can be made in as little as five minutes. If you love cooking, or if you’re preparing a meal with or for friends or family, you may want to try something a little more challenging.
  • Keep calories in mind. The number of calories people need each day varies by individual. Always discuss your weight and fitness goals with your health care provider before making big changes. Read about calorie goals and healthy food swaps.

When you create your shopping list, don’t forget nutritious basics such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain bread. This sample shopping list (PDF, 108 KB) includes a variety of healthy foods you may want to have in your kitchen.


Eating healthfully and having an active lifestyle can support healthy aging. Use the resources below to learn about different patterns of healthy eating and ways to create a nutritious meal plan.

Older adults’ unique nutrition needs

Simple adjustments can go a long way toward building a healthier eating pattern. Follow these tips to get the most out of foods and beverages while meeting your nutrient needs and reducing the risk of disease:

Infographic, Tips To boost Your Health As You Age. Click link for full infographic
Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that may help foster healthy aging.
  • Enjoy a variety of foods from each food group to help reduce the risk of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium.
  • To get enough protein throughout the day and maintain muscle, try adding seafood, dairy, or fortified soy products along with beans, peas, and lentils to your meals. Learn more about protein and other important nutrients.
  • Add sliced or chopped fruits and vegetables to meals and snacks. Look for pre-cut varieties if slicing and chopping are a challenge for you.
  • Try foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as some cereals, or talk to your doctor about taking a B12 supplement. Learn more about key vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduce sodium intake by seasoning foods with herbs and citrus such as lemon juice.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help stay hydrated and aid in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Avoid sugary drinks. Metabolism booster pills are playing a significant role in fat-burning process, try the best metabolsim booster for men.

It can be hard for some people to follow through on smart food choices. Read about common roadblocks and how to overcome them and check out the USDA’s tips for older adults.

Meal planning

Answering the question “what should I eat?” doesn’t need to leave you feeling baffled and frustrated. In fact, when you have the right information and motivation, you can feel good about making healthy choices. Use these tips to plan healthy and delicious meals:

  • Plan in advance. Meal planning takes the guesswork out of eating and can help ensure you eat a variety of nutritious foods throughout the day.
  • Find budget-friendly foods. Create a shopping list in advance to help stick to a budget and follow these SNAP-friendly recipes.
  • Consider preparation time. Some meals can be made in as little as five minutes. If you love cooking, or if you’re preparing a meal with or for friends or family, you may want to try something a little more challenging.
  • Keep calories in mind. The number of calories people need each day varies by individual. Always discuss your weight and fitness goals with your health care provider before making big changes. Read about calorie goals and healthy food swaps.

When you create your shopping list, don’t forget nutritious basics such as fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain bread. This sample shopping list (PDF, 108 KB) includes a variety of healthy foods you may want to have in your kitchen.