I’m proud of my friend. So proud actually and would like to share with you this post (taken from Blog: العرزالــــــه)

قبل أكثر من ٣ شهور، طلبت مع بعض الاصدقاء وجبة عشاء من احد المطاعم، الاكل كان طيب لكنا صدمنا في النهاية بوجود حشره في احد الاطباق. اوقفنا تناول الطعام واتصلت بالمطعم ثم تحدثت الى مديره اللبناني وذكرت له الحادثه. تقبل كلامي مشكورا واحتفظت بصورة الحشره دون ان اذكر اسم المطعم لاحد.٩
قبل يومين علمت أن السيد عيسى العيسى سيقوم بمحاضرة موظفي ذلك المطعم. بعثت له بالصورة وطلبت منه تنبيههم. بعد فترة قصيره جائني اتصال من صاحب المطعم السيد حمود الربيعان. الرجل كان بغاية الادب، استفسر عن الموضوغ فذكرته له وبانني اتصلت بمديره اللبناني. في البدايه استغرب مشددا بان ليس لديهم مسؤول لبناني لكنه قدم عميق اعتذاره واستعداده لتعويضي مع انني ابلغته بان ماوجدته كان داخل احد الخضراوات المقفله..اي ان ذلك الامر كان من الممكن ان يحصل مع اي مطعم بما فيه مطابخ البيوت!٩
اغلقت التلفون ورجعت الى اصحابي للتأكد من اسم المطعم..بصراحه شككني! كان الرد المفاجيء بان اسم المطعم قريب من اسم مطعم السيد الربيعان..يعني ظلمت الرجل وهني توهقت الصراحه! لكني قررت معاودة الاتصال بالرجل وتوضيح اللبس والاعتذار منه مهما كانت النتائج او ردة فعله. الرجل رد بكل احترام وسعة صدر ولكن المفاجأة كانت بارساله لسائق المطعم مع كوبونات مجانيه لتناول مالذ وطاب من الاكل الياباني! ريال تكلمه عن مطعمه وتطلع المعلومه غلط ويكون رده مكافأتك..أي ذكاء وأي مهارة تسويقيه والاهم أي حسن تربيه طغت على حس التاجر المادي الموجود لدى الكثير من الاشخاص الآخرين؟٩
مافعله السيد حمود الربيعان سيظل في الذاكره كمثال حي على الطبع الكويتي الاصيل الذي لايهزه الدينار ولا المكاسب المؤقته..متمنيا أن يشكل مثالا يقتدي به بقية شبابنا وبناتنا عند خوضهم لهذا المجال، وفق الله الجميع ورزقهم من فضله.


Basically this person from العرزالــــــه ordered from a restaurant 3 months ago and found a bug in their veggies. He took a photo of the bug and called the restaurant up to complain to their Labenese manager who in turn took the complaint in and apologized for the mistake. He kept the picture to himself and didn’t use it. 3 months later, a couple of days ago, العرزالــــــه guy found out that there was a seminar about quality control held by Mr Eissa Al-Eissa at that same restaurant, so he sent the bug photo to the restaurant and asked them to be sure not to repeat that same mistake. A while later he got a phone call from the restaurant’s owner, Humood AlRubaian. The owner was polite and inquired about the whole incident, he was surprised about the Lebanese manager bit, since Humood never had a lebanese for a manager working for Oishii Sushi, but nevertheless he apologized, deeply, and offered compensation.

العرزالــــــه guy was wondering about the lebanese manager bit, so he went to his friends to asked them about the restaurant’s name, only to find out that there was a mix up, and that the restaurant with the Bug incident wasn’t Oishii Sushi, but another one that had a name that sounded like to Oishii (maybe similar pronunciation or something).

He regretted what he’s done and called Humood again to clear the whole thing up, only to find him even more respectful and understanding, and finally the shock came when he found out that Humood has sent him free vouchers to try out Oishii Sushi.

I’m very proud of Humood, who is a friend of mine, and I can’t believe how well he reacted to this whole thing. I don’t think I would’ve reacted the same way.

How would you handle such a situation?

Thanks العرزالــــــه


Sheik of the Artist is a short documentary film about the life and art of the Kuwaiti Artist Khalifa Qattan (1934-2003) and the art concept he came up with and called Circulism in the early 1960s.

فلم “شيخ الفنانين” هو فلم وثائقي قصير يتحدث عن حياة و فن الفنان الكويتي الراحل خليفة القطان رحمة الله عليه و عن المدرسة “الدائرية” التي ابتكرها في بدايات الستينات  الفلم مقدم باللغة الإنجليزية مع ترجمة بالعربية ، من إنتاج مؤيد حسن و هو باحث كويتي و طالب في درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة بيرمينجهام البريطانية  يمكن مشاهدة الفلم وقراءة المزيد عنه عن طريق الموقع


Thanks Moayad


You can now book your tickets now through your Blackberry or any other mobile devices by clicking on  http://mobile.kncc.com

Thanks Ahmad


A couple of years ago when I was in the US I noticed Johnny Rockets’s special dance, and it was interesting, i loved it, so once I got back to Kuwait i asked them about it, and their reply was ‘ because dancing isn’t allowed in Kuwait’. But yesterday INM went there and saw ‘the dance’ for the first time and asked them about it. Turned out they’ve just started doing it less than a month ago.

Thanks INM


Have you ever tried getting a taxi at Kuwait’s airport? Di you try getting one at 3am when there was a line that went from here —– to there? Well my friend and I did just that the other day when we came back from our little getaway this past weekend. It wasn’t a pleasant experience getting a taxi in Kuwait, not at all.

Bear with me, I have lots to say. And if I come off unorganized, just know that I didn’t get much sleep last night.

We arrived late because one of the airplane’s “felanges” had some problems and the pilot wasn’t sure if it was safe to take off so he had to return back from the runway to the parking area to have it checked.

We arrived around an hour late and were rushing out of the airport to look for a taxi. No friend no matter how good he is would pick us up at 3am, especially on a working day. The problem was we didn’t know where to look for taxis, we didn’t know where taxis normally line, or if there were taxis at this hour in Kuwait’s airport to begin with. To our surprise we found a Go Green Taxi’s waiting line (one that went from here to there). We waited inline and parked our bags next to us. The line was mainly made of expats, and only 3 Kuwaitis: Me, My friend, and one other man who couldn’t wrap his mind around the waiting-inline concept. No matter how many times I mentioned that there was line and he should stick to it (7ajjy ako 6aboor.. 9of bildor), he just kept standing in front of the line and waving at every taxi he sees. Thank God no taxi paid attention to him. (he looked like mar3oob by the way)

The waiting went for well over 30 minutes because there simply was no Chesterfield taxi available. There was also a gap between every taxi and the other that stretched, sometimes, for an unnecessary 5 minutes. It was hectic waiting with all the hot weather and humidity, and it was even more hectic having to keep an eye on the brainless people who were all competing for ‘Man with least brain cells’ award.

When we finally were 2nd in line for a taxi, a taxi driver came along and decided to skip us all and go for the last person inline. The whole line was now looking at that last person inline, all in an attack mode. That person looked around, feeling like he was about to do something wrong, then looked at us. He stopped in his place once he noticed our blazing gazes. The taxi driver then motioned him over while yelling ‘yalla!!.’ That person then decided to lift his bags and head towards the taxi. I couldn’t contain myself and yelled at them both. I yelled first at the guy with the bags, which made him re-plant his bags on the ground, and look at me with bewildered eyes. “wenta ma9adagt nadaak chan tarketh! Mako door o naas 9aafa gablik?!” I said. He said some words that were carefully chosen to sound as innocent as possible. I ignored him and his lame excuse and yelled at the driver to pull back from the end of the line to the front to pick the lady who is rightfully the first in line. The English speaking lady thanked me and my friend and took that taxi.

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Our turn finally came. Our long awaited savior had arrived. But our savior was old and sleepy. He also wanted to know where we’re heading before we could put our bags in the trunk. Mar3oob was still there, infront of the line waving for taxis and asking us “entaw lail7een hnee?” The shock came when my friend and I were about to get in the taxi. The driver was asking other people in line if “anyone else was going to Mishref, or some area close to Mishref.” The car wasn’t a van or a big car, it was an old crown victoria. Why the hell was he asking other people to join in!? I, again, yelled, and refused to share the car with anyone else. But the taxi driver turned to me and with the nicest way possible he plead “Laish ya weldy.. khalna entarazag Allah… Afa 3alaik bs.. lik 3alay awa9elkom awal nas… afa 3alaik..etc.” I knew I couldn’t argue with the old driver, he was nice and looked too old to have me refuse his plea. I couldn’t help but shrug this whole situation off and surrender. I went to the car, got in, and waited next to my friend. A couple of seconds later the driver was helping another guy put his bags in the trunk.

10 minutes later we were home. 20 minutes later I was asleep. And then 2 hours later I was getting ready for work.




The brand new Ekelni.com online food ordering service has finally launched. I just registered and I really liked the way they set the whole registering process. It was easy to navigate and the whole thing looks really good. They also launched an iPhone App to go along with it.

Check it out: Ekelni.com


Pinkberry is opening another branch at the Avenues mall, near ikea. This one’s going to be a mini branch, a smaller one with no seating area, it’ll be for takeaways only. This is good considering the huge line we see every time we pass by.


Astronomer Dr. Saleh Al Ojairy said that the current heat wave is mainly due to the dust settling down and a clear sky. It is expected to last for the rest of this week, but the tempreture will return back to normal by the begining of next week.

He also said that whoever says the tempretures are going to rise up to 60 and 70 degrees (BBM rumors) are inaccurate, as these tempretures are only reached in some parts of Saudi Arabia due to direct sun exposure.

I would take dust over extreme heat any day!



From Saray News:

“معرس بالكويت يستخدم جهاز الكي نت لقبض العانية من المهنئين”

No comment…

Source & picture stolen from Z-District’s Blog

Thanks Ahmad


Its true..

Via FB


The new restaurant Pizzetta is finally open, but from 1pm to 5pm only, it’s kind of a soft opening until they have all their papers ready to officially launch the restaurant.

It’s on the same strip where Prime & Toast and Sliders Station are located, opposite the Seif Palace.




Remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote a post asking you about a translated Qur’an? well all the comments were helpful and I went directly to Jareer and purchased five English Qur’ans and they are on their way to the people who asked me in Aberdeen. Thank you guys.

and thanks ANM & Mar1


And this is how you do it when you’re out in the summer, have an egg, and hungry!

Thanks YAC MAN


The iPhone 4 just arrived in Kuwait from X-Cite, the big question now is how much they are willing to sell it for? I’m thinking the price will be KD300 & KD350 for the 16GB & 32 GB respectively.

Thanks INM


Melenzane means eggplants in italian, and is also the name of the new italian restaurants that has recently opened in Kuwait in Albidaa area. I was told that one of owners cooked, and he cooks regularly at the Melanzane. Always a nice sign to have an restaurant owner who cooks at his place.

We went there today at 5pm for lunch. The interiors have an under-construction/industrial feel, with most of the furniture turned upside down (tables on the ceiling, drawers that open upside-down) basically, it had cool interiors. Also the place is tiny and cozy which made us feel like we’re in for a treat.

I had high hopes for the food because the restaurant gave that kind of an impression.. However, when it was time to dig in, the food turned out shockingly bland.

We had the following Click for the rest of the pictures and review


One of our friends is willing to sell two baby elephants for KD 10,000 they are available in Kuwait right now and those who are interested leave a comment and he will contact you by email.




It will be located in Alsabahiya and will have 25 cinemas, I don’t really know when it’s supposed to open but all I know from the same people behind 360 Mall. I’ll Keep you with the pictures below.

Read the rest of this entry »


Finally! A year and a half ago we posted about it, and now it’s almost here. One of of the best places in Paris to have a great croissant a great cafe au lait and a great overall experience is opening soon at 360. I hope we’re gonna get the same patisseries and paris’s overall quality, minus the attitude.

Note: Bahrain was supposed to have it open first. They had the ‘Ladurée opening soon’ sign up at ModaMall for a long time only to remove it and have Maki open in it’s place.

Thanks HBZ


I just came back from there, we were thinking of places to go for dinner but we were out of names. All 3 of us had our no-no restaurant, we contemplated: Maki, Chillis, The Noodle House, Don Mario’s, Oriental Cuisine, Ricardo, Fridays, Burger boutique, Sliders, Prime n Toast.. etc. But each and everyone of these was turned down by one of us. You’d think a dinner won’t be that complicated, but it is in our case.. always.

Just when we were thinking of bo6a6 o badiyan and falafil for dinner Kuwait Towers restaurant was mentioned. To make a long story short, after a little while we agreed to go there. The place in my opinion is amazing, the Kuwait Towers location and the view were just perfect. Everything else was crap. Pure Crap. Seriously.

It’s a buffet, an over priced buffet (coz the food sucked), with bad service, bad food, bad everything. I mean what a shame to have that magnificent location and view and to be placed at the top of a frickin landmark! and have it all go to waste with a well below average food?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a great restaurant up there? A 5 star place where people would reserve tables a month in advance to get a chance to taste an international chef’s dishes (daydreaming?). My friend was telling us while eating “If this was in Dubai we’d be hearing about world renowned chefs visiting the place every month and the place would probably be one of the IT places in town.”

A little piece of advice, DON’T think of going there, it was a big mistake that will never happen again. And if you ever had guests come to Kuwait, take them there in the afternoons, let them enjoy the panorama view, and then leave.

Made me regret not having a falafil for dinner. What a shame.

Read the rest of this entry »




I dont know if you know about this already or not, but it seems like a good idea. You call them and they will come to your home and they build some small kiosk in the garden (pictures below) and start cooking and serving food from there.

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