I just came back from there, we were thinking of places to go for dinner but we were out of names. All 3 of us had our no-no restaurant, we contemplated: Maki, Chillis, The Noodle House, Don Mario’s, Oriental Cuisine, Ricardo, Fridays, Burger boutique, Sliders, Prime n Toast.. etc. But each and everyone of these was turned down by one of us. You’d think a dinner won’t be that complicated, but it is in our case.. always.
Just when we were thinking of bo6a6 o badiyan and falafil for dinner Kuwait Towers restaurant was mentioned. To make a long story short, after a little while we agreed to go there. The place in my opinion is amazing, the Kuwait Towers location and the view were just perfect. Everything else was crap. Pure Crap. Seriously.
It’s a buffet, an over priced buffet (coz the food sucked), with bad service, bad food, bad everything. I mean what a shame to have that magnificent location and view and to be placed at the top of a frickin landmark! and have it all go to waste with a well below average food?
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a great restaurant up there? A 5 star place where people would reserve tables a month in advance to get a chance to taste an international chef’s dishes (daydreaming?). My friend was telling us while eating “If this was in Dubai we’d be hearing about world renowned chefs visiting the place every month and the place would probably be one of the IT places in town.”
A little piece of advice, DON’T think of going there, it was a big mistake that will never happen again. And if you ever had guests come to Kuwait, take them there in the afternoons, let them enjoy the panorama view, and then leave.
Made me regret not having a falafil for dinner. What a shame.
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