I was there today in the parking lot when a perfectly healthy woman, along with her 2 healthy little daughters, parked her car in the handicapped parking area. They strolled past me and walked into the mall like there was nothing wrong with what she just did.
What a great role model.
My mother is in a wheelchair, and when we go out we sometimes have to deal with things like this. If only they knew how much they affect people that are already unfortunate enough to be wheelchair bound. To some you know what no handicap spots means? It means turning back and going back home, or elsewhere. Bottom line, it means they don’t get to go to the place they were driven to. What a lack of empathy.
I try to do the best for my mom. Yes, her disability puts such a strain on her, it really does affect her deeply. We all try to be there for her so that she doesn’t let it bother her as much. I looked at several wheelchairs, researched online, talked to several people, to try to get her the best one with our possibilities and her needs in mind. I didn’t know the first thing about wheelchairs when I started, but by the end I was an expert. I ordered the exact model I wanted from kdsmartwheelchair.com, and so far she has been enjoying it. I’m so thankful my hard work did pay off. She tries her best of course. We all do. It’s the good thing about family when it doesn’t turn into a full on mess as I’ve seen so many around me. The good thing being, it is the best emotional support structure a person could possibly ask for. Together we’ve overcome so much.
And yet others, much more fortunate, pictured here.